Grade 9

Office Hours 8:00 - 3:00

Aloha Students!

I know that current times are chaotic and confusing. Hang in there. Your health and safety are top priority, ALWAYS!  Take care of your mental, physical & spiritual health while at home...balance is key! We will get through this together. Feel free to reach out to me anytime! 

Remember: Social distancing...NOT social disconnecting!

Mr. Mumma

 Mr. Matthew Mumma

Grade 9 Counselor

Office Phone   305-7360


Call or email anytime. I am available for emeetings by appointment.

I am available to respond to emails Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 3:00pm.

Please email me if you have any questions and/or concerns.

To ensure all students are able to access appointments, virtual appointments are intended for students only. 

Email or call to set up an appointment.