Heroes Journey

Hi my name is Melody. I live in a town where nothing ever happens. Until one day i hear a loud noise from outside.my dad went out to check what it was, and after i heard a scream i ran outside to see my father being scooped up by this massive dragon. I had always thought they when extinct, i guess not. so i started running after it of course it was very fast and i had very small legs and did not run very fast.

i walked for two hours (well until the sun when down) until i finally gave up and camped for the rest of the night. the next morning i woke up and realized where i was, i was in the middle of a forest. i looked around but all i say was green leaves,it was beautiful , then i realized that i was not in my house or for a matter a fact i was not in town anymore. i closed my eyes and searched for for the reason why i was here, and quickly i understood but i had to continue . i started wandering threw the forest and i spot someone well not someone, something. i stare it was like a fish but with lizard legs and it was the size of a large dog. once it notices it stands up on two leg and asks me " Are you lost" it says in a high pitched voice. " Uh yeah " i answer though a little nerves. "I'm looking for my dad . have you seen a dragon fly by here by any chance?' i ask very casualty. " what color in specific there are lots that pass though here?" he replies. " like a black-ish with silver claws ." i said , i mean its not like it was sitting for a cup of tea and i could inspect it. " oh that one , yeah yeah that nasty one .always coming in and stealing our food. none of us know who its master is though m, but yeah i say him." he says ." good OK " i replied. "all we know is that he goes up the hill" he says " what hill ? " i ask. " its about a mile away i can take you there if you'd like" he offers and i except his offer.

we are on our way when i ask him "whats your name" "Wilbert" he replies " cool my names Melody " i say , an we were on our way. we are soon walking threw a village filled with many creatures. " do you know how to ride a dragon" he asks " yeah totally" i lie . as wilbert goes over to the stables to get dragons out, i say " i dont actually know how to ride" i blurt out " i know he says thats why im getting you a follower" he says whats a follower " i ask " its a dragon that follows other dragon so they dont need a rider they just kind of tag along" he replies " ok " i say. i hop onto the dragon like a horse and were off.

as we sour through the sky i wonder if my dads ok i hoped he was. once we get to the top we try to go through the archway but only i could. there had been a invisible door. " why cant you come in "i ask. " cuz only mortals can" he says " you have to go alone" he says " but i cant i dont have a weapon and ive never been here before" i complain. " here" he toss over a small sward but when i catch it it becomes huge. and i stat travelling into the cave . im looking around for the dragon but mostly for my dad. and all of a sudden the dragon comes souring towards me and i swing the sword to block it and end up slicing right through it and killing it and i here my dad "help , help" he cries . i run over to him and pick him up his was so hungry i give him a chocolate that i had in my pocket'. and he gobbles it up. " i missed you so much" i say "you too" he says. and i take him back outside to Wilbert and put him on the dragon and we head home, once we get home we get off the dragon and wave goodbye to wilbert and go inside and i bake him cookies, and our life goes right back to where we left off.