
argument - SPACE Exploration

Space, the final frontier.” Any avid fan of the series, Star Trek, would know about this line. It is how they see space as the final destination of all living things. But it is not only they who see space in this light; scientists, and idealists, too, think that it is through the exploration of space and other celestial beings that we can truly discover the answers to life’s questions. But space exploration is very costly; about seven billion dollars a year alone is spent on space flight in the U.S. (Space Exploration, nd.). A contributing factor to the high costs of space exploration would be the errors in flight tests and experiments being done, which leads to a loss in effort, money, and time. Although space exploration does seem to be a waste in resources, space exploration is not a waste of money because: (1) it is not expensive, actually; (2) exploration is man’s nature; (3) new discoveries are made through space exploration.

It is not expensive, actually. How much is seven billion dollars compared to the other expenses of the U.S government? How much is seven billion dollars, compared to the GDP of the U.S? Each year, 22 times the amount for space exploration is spent on alcohol, and over ten million dollars is spent in Iraq by the government each month. Compared to these two, the budget spent for space exploration is small, considering the fact that the U.S government earns trillions of dollars a year (Space Exploration, nd.). Is war and alcohol, then, a better way of spending/ investing the taxpayer’s money? Is space exploration, then, really a waste of money?

Exploration is man’s nature. Ever since the time of Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, and other great explorers, man has sought to discover his world and what lies within it. It is natural of man to be curious, to ask questions, to constantly search for answers to his questions. And so man explored the seas and discovered/unearthed/made known to others their findings. Now, in the 21st century, space is being explored by man. But why explore space, when the earth itself is not yet fully explored? One incident would be about a “lost tribe”, which highlights the fact that we are not in contact with every indigenous tribe in our planet, and in a greater sense, with our own world (Space Exploration is a Waste of Money, nd.). This “discovery” is sufficient enough to show that we have to check again what we have overlooked in our planet. But space exploration would not be a waste of money since organisms found in space offer the same value to the scientific community (Space Exploration is a Waste of Money, nd.). We only have to look at it in a different perspective, and see that what is out there is equally important to what we have in earth. Money is not really wasted in the process of exploration; rather, it is invested into discovering new things, for the benefit of mankind.

New discoveries are made through space exploration. The space exploration program has been around since the Cold War and it continues until now. Discoveries have been made that benefit man in a lot of ways. One major discovery would be GPS (Global Positioning System) that helps man navigate through land, air, and sea. Another would be in medicine. Nitinol is an alloy used to make braces. This alloy is used in space crafts. The benefits of exploration and are limitless, and all of which are beneficial to us all (Kanade, nd.).

Space is a mystery, being big and borderless. No one knows how long we will be exploring space; all that we know is that we will be benefiting from it. It is not a waste of money because we ourselves reap its benefits.

Herbert Hoover -informational

In this essay i will tell you all about president hoover .

I will tell you what he did how he helped his time and how he hurt it. I will also tell you about his timeline.

His full name was Herbert Hoover, he lived from 1874- 1964.

He was America’s 31st president, and took office in 1929. This was the year the U.S. economy plummeted into the Great Depression.

Mr. hoover was viewed as “callous” and “insensitive” toward the suffering of millions of desperate Americans. As the depression deeped he had failed to recognise the suffering of people .As a result, Hoover was easily defeated in the 1932 presidential election by Franklin D. Roosevelt .

Did you know? On March 3, 1931, President Herbert Hoover signed a law that made "The Star-Spangled Banner," based on an 1814 poem by Francis Scott Key (1779-1843), America's national anthem.

In conclusion president Herbert Hoover has successfully made his mark on america. And i believe that everyone will remember him.


Human beings depend heavily on the environment as the supports life in an array of ways.From being a source of water to supporting world economies, life and environment are intertwined . however because of various reasons , human activities weigh heavily on the quality of our environment. For instance, environmental pollution is a common scurrage. Thus, we need to protect our environment.

Since the human activities that are implicated in detrimental environmental change are aimed at satisfying human needs and desires, those activities can only be expected to increase as the population grows. And population growth, worldwide, is expected to continue for the near future at least, at something like its current rate, which would yield a doubling of the current number of about 6 billion before the middle of the twenty-first century. Moreover, if present trends continue, the pressures on the environment are likely to grow faster than the population. During the twentieth century, worldwide energy consumption has increased by a factor of about 15 and the total population has increased by a factor of about 3.5, which is to say that, compared with 1900, there are about 3.5 times as many of us now and each of us uses, on average, 4 times as much energy.

In short, there is much evidence that human behavior can adversely affect the natural environment in a variety of ways and that the forces that motivate environmentally detrimental behavior are likely to become even stronger in the future. There is a need to better understand the coupling of behavior and environmental change and how to mitigate the undesirable effects.


Did you know that your personality is based on the stars? Zodiacs describe/show your personality and meaning. Zodiac can tell alot about you like your choices and even you future!

What do they look like? Zodiac signs are usually symbols. But they can also be animals. Zodiacs can also be called horoscope. Zodiacs come in all shapes and sizes. zodiacs are the stars (to be blunt)they are like the big dipper .they are pretty much star patterns.

What are Zodiac signs? Zodiac signs are constellations. They can describe your personality . They can also tell your future , kind of like a fortune cookie. Zodiacs explain a lot about a person. some believe that the stars are a refection of person that they see your past present and future.

Where are they located? Zodiacs live in the stars where everyone can see. The northern constellations - Pisces,Aries,Taurus,Gemini, Cancer and Leo , are located in the eastern celestial hemisphere ,while the southern- Virgo,Libra,Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn ,and Aquarius are in the west. All the Zodiacs are different. These constellations are all around us.

The signs and their symbols and dates- aries/ram/mar 21-apr 20 , taurus/bull/apr 21-may 21, gemini/twins/may 22-june 21, cancer/crab/june 22- july 22, leo/lion/july 23-aug 22, virgo/virgin/aug 23- sept 22, libra/scales/sept 23- oct 22, scorpio/scorpion/oct 23-nov 21, sagittarius/archer/nov 22-dec 21, capricorn/ goat/dec 22- jan 20, aquarius/ water bearer/jan 21- feb 19, pisces/fish/ feb 20- mar 20.

Zodiacs can be many different things and they can tell you a lot about yourself. Do you believe in the Zodiacs?


In this essay i will tell you about a poem named “if” by Rudyard Kipling and the former u.s. President Barack Obama’s speech at a school in 2009..i will also be comparing them and seeing what’s the same about them.

#1 body

In both these texts they both have a common theme, if you try hard in life you will be successful .i believe that they both share this because in the if poem its says “yours is the earth and everything in it” this makes me think about how he wants his son to be successful . in obama's speech he says “these people succeed because they understand that you cant let your failure define you”

#2 body

Another common theme in both these texts is never give up. In the if poem it shows this by saying, “if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you..” and in the obama speech it says , “ im calling on each of you to set to set your own goals for your education and to do everything you can to meet them” they share this theme because they are both asking you and encouraging you to not give up and keep going.


In conclusion i say that both the if poem and mr obama's speech were both very similar in different ways but they both have the same result on people