

Bacon rocks yeah you better believe it, cause

bacon is the boss like this bacon boy... BACON... RULES!!!!!!!!


I LIKE BIG PIES AND I CAN NOT LIE, THE OTHER PIES CANT DENY, WHEN THAT BIG PIE WALKS IN THE PLACE RUBING ITS JELLY ALL OVER YOUR FACE I GET SPRUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ST. LUCIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ST. LUCIA, it is a buetiful place it has many trees,

i grew up there in my child hood, it has pizza partys too,

i like it there sooooooo much because it is really grove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i went to the play ground everyday, and last things last it is close to the equator

and has some TATTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poem for "Littering UGH!!!!!!!!!"

My story is based on littering, there are many problems in our earth because of littering, but yet there are still many solutions to stop littering from happening. Like garbage trucks, they are constantly losing garbage, so the people who work there need to make sure that the garbage is more secure. It's also a high risk, if you litter and a cop sees you, that's a big fat ticket, that's why I think that there should be a police officer, on every single highway. So it can prevent people from littering. There are so many ways that we can change this earth, we can clean it up, but I know what you're thinking, it's going to cost a whole lot of money! But if we stop making careless mistakes, we don't have to spend one little cent!! There are so many other things we can do instead, with the money we are saving. That's a whole lot of money, if we can just control our selves, and stop littering, and stop making careless mistakes! We can all help just by simply covering up a trash can on the side walk, so all the trash doesn't fly out. Or you can help by just simply doing your part!!