Hero's journey

Once there was a gold fish named Goldy. He was a small gold fish and every body made fun of him. But one day the gold fish made a terrible discovery, where they kept all of there food, they saw the food was gone, SO the leader of the gold fish announced, "Someone will have to go to find the food." No one answered. Then Goldy said, "I will go", and everybody started to laugh, "You cant go, your gonna get killed!" "Now now, its not like any one else would want to go", said the leader. "Goldy, you have five days to get the food. We will be waiting. if you come back with no luck, you will be banished. Good luck," and with that Goldy was on his way to find the food. Although he didn't know where to get the food, so he started looking for clues. Before he could start, he heard a strange noise. There was a large bed of sea kelp rustling behind him. When he got closer, he saw two eyes in the kelp, then the creature jumped out and scared Goldy! He was an old gold fish, he then asked Goldy, "Who are you?! Why are you here?!" Goldy said in shock, "I am Goldy, I come from a gold fish village, I am looking for stolen food, have you seen anything?" "Oh yes I have, I saw a monstrous looking beast, I was finishing up breakfast and I saw a glimpse in my eye, I did not quit see him, but with one swipe of his fin he knocked me out, when I woke up my breakfast was gone". "So he is stealing everyone's food," said Goldy."Well thank you for the tip," "Wait, can I come with you," asked the old gold fish? "Uhhh... sure". "Yaaaaaay! Thank you, I want to see the guy who stole my breakfast". "Okay let's go," said Goldy.


They were on their way when Goldy realized that he didn't know where they were. He then asked the old gold fish where the thief was. "Oh hmmmmm... he went through the drop off, then took a left through a dark and scary cave, and then I saw him entering another cave, and he didn't come back out, I guess that's where he lives". "Did you see what he was hiding in there," asked Goldy? "I didn't stick around to find out, but he was carrying something". "Our food!" Said Goldy. "We need to find him and quick! So what is your name?" asked Goldy. "Yoda. I am old so people think of me as Yoda, and I looked a lot like him when I was born". "Okay, where do we go first again?" Asked Goldy, "Through the drop off, and then we take a left," said Yoda. "One question, where is that," asked Goldy? "Here just follow me". So they went on and on and on, passing many weird looking creatures, many of them were chasing Goldy and Yoda around trying to eat them. They finally made it, then they saw a weird looking shadow. Goldy got suspicious, and was swimming toward it , while Yoda was hiding behind him. When Goldy got closer, a huge head appeared, Yoda jumped up and freaked out yelling, "EEL!!!!!" Goldy was confused, and then got a closer look, and also freaked out! They were both freaking out, then the eel tried yelling to make them stop. It worked, Goldy and Yoda stopped freaking out. "Are you going to eat us," Goldy asked? "Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!" Said the eel, "I don't like to eat fish, especially your kind! I want to tell you something important," "What?" asked Goldy," "I saw a monstrous beast, he stole all my food, and he woke me up when I was sleeping, he gave me a hard slap, I thought I was dead! I am so happy that I woke up," "that's what happened to us!" Said Goldy and Yoda, "Well we will help you find him, come on let's go, the next step is to go through a cave". "Alright then let's go," said the eel. "What's your name," asked Goldy? "Eel," said Eel, "my parents wanted to keep it simple". "Okay we are at the cave," said Yoda. "That was fast," Goldy said, they heard weird noises in there, "I think I will stay behind," said Eel."No, no, no, you're coming," said Goldy, "we are a team!" "Okay fine," said Eel, "but if I die I'm blaming it on you". "You're not going to die," said Goldy. "Now lets go!" So they were off, to find this mysterious thief, "Okay," said Eel, "what was the way to find the thief, again?" "So we have to finish going through thi"... before Goldy could finish his sentence, they herd a strange noise. They saw a shadow swimming past them. Before they even knew it, a shark jumped up in front of them, and wanted to eat them. They tried to swim away, but the shark was way too fast, and caught them. Eel tried to sting him, to hold him back, while Yoda and Goldy were biting him. While the shark was distracted, Eel took off, along with Goldy and Yoda. "Out the cave, out the cave," Goldy was repeating to him self. They saw a big light, "that's the end of the cave," said Goldy! "We are gonna make it!" Yoda caught a glimpse behind him, "he's right behind us," he said. the light got closer and closer, they saw the way out, and made it! "We were almost lunch," said Eel. "Okay, where to next," asked Goldy, "we need to find another cave, and I remember him taking a right this time". "Okay let's go," said Goldy. "We need to stop at a coral reef, and then take a right," said Yoda. "Oh okay," said Goldy, "so do we just keep heading strait?" "Yes, yes we do, said Yoda. "So," said Eel, "it looks like clear swimming from here". "Yeah, I hope we don't run into any more creatures that want to try to eat us," said Yoda. After a while, they ran into the coral reef, then they took a right, and then they stopped at a big dark cave. "Well this is it," said Yoda. "Okay let's go in, and show this guy what he's messing with," said Goldy, "but he's way too big and strong," said Eel, "we can't take him on," "Yeah true, but together we can defeat him". "Okay," said Eel, "lets do this". They entered the cave, and they saw a light, they moved toward the light and they heard a booming voice, saying, " WHO DARES TO ENTER MY CAVE". "We, we... come to take our food back" said Goldy, "and all the food that you took from us." "And how are you going to do that?" The monster asked. "We are a team, and we have come together, to defeat you," said Goldy. "HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!!" "You little punks can't defeat me, maybe you don't realize how big and strong I am". He had moved out into the light, and what Goldy, Eel, and Yoda saw was, a big sharp toothed piranha!!!!!! He said... "weeeeeeell?," "yeah but we are a team," said Goldy "you can't defeat us," "there's only three of you, I am prett"... before he could finish, the shark had found them, the shark was focused on Goldy, Eel, and Yoda, but then put his attention on the piranha, and he had brought a little more help, behind him were all the creatures that tried to eat Goldy, Eel, and Yoda."Do you still think we are not strong enough?" Asked Goldy, "NO!!!!" Said the piranha, "okay," said Goldy, "you have one last chance to surrender," "no!!" "I will not give away my food," said the piranha, "your food?!" Asked Eel, "you stole all of our food," said Goldy , "and then you leave us no choice, CHARGE!!!!!!" Goldy yelled, with that every body came swimming at the huge piranha, everyone was biting him and stinging him, they tied him up with sea weed, and threw him in fish prison. "You punks won't see the last of meeeeee!!!!!!" Said the piranha, "I'm pretty sure we will," said Goldy. They all returned home, and Goldy invited all the creatures that helped them, to a celebration party!! No one made fun of Goldy anymore, and everybody was afraid of Eel at first but then got to know him, and from there on out, they all lived happily ever after. THE END!!!!!