Summit Time


Some facts I learned is that condors are endangered because people were using a pesticide called DDT and it made their eggshells thinner and that caused the chicks not to be able to survive and that they can track the birds if they get lost because they had radio transmitters, and I also learned that the young condors rely on their parents for food for a year or longer.

Some things I agree with is that it is good to have a transmitter so they can track the birds if the get lost and I also agree that it is important that they keep them in a sanctuary so that they can increase the number of condors in the world so they don't go extinct. Its also good that they went to go search for the baby chick and its parents. There wasn't really much that I disagreed on, but i would like it if they had more stuff about other birds and more information and it was mostly about the trying to find the baby bird and its parents.

Some questions I have is did they go look for any other birds? Did they find all the birds that got loose? What are some ways we can help them and their environment? How many are left now? Are they still almost extinct?

A quick summary for this article is that a lot of condors got loose because of the California fires it burned through the sanctuary where all the condors were kept and that they were trying to find a baby condor and her parents by tracking them with a transmitter and they talked about how they were going extinct and the reasons they were going extinct.