Environmental Issues

You have come to the environmental issues of East Africa. In this section you will learn about some of the  environmental issues of this region. You will see artifacts about Ethiopian Wolves, a video about a non profit organization that is currently providing food for starving children, you will learn about animals of Kenya, and read a poem about the great Mt Kilimanjaro. Enjoy : )

The following artifacts, created by: Andy Paukert

Ethiopian  wolves 

This map to the left shows the six different populations with a total of 500 wolves. Ethiopian wolves live in elevation above 3400 m. They currently are EN (endangered). Ethiopia has the highest human growing population in Africa.  In the Ethiopian highlands this growing population has rapidly changed the land and creates complex challenges for the wolves. Habitat, disease and Rabies have been the cause of many die offs among African wild dogs.  (Click on the paw prints to find the area's wolf population).

Link to Donate: click here to donate 

UNICEF Drought in the Horn of Africa

The following video to the left explains the catastrophic drought currently occuring in East Africa. It will describe how the effects of climate change is making this region of the world drier and drier. The UNICEF is a non profit organization that provides aid to children around the world. The UNICEF is currently providing  much support and food to East Africa to feed starving children. The droughts in this area will only get worse if we don't take the necessary actions to limit climate change.  

Source: UNICEF  

Untitled document

Animals of Kenya

The content to the left is an infographic created using (infograph.venngage.com). The infographic contains a list of five animals in Kenya. By scrolling on the infographic you can learn about the animals color, level of endangerment of species, level of aggression, animal size, and lifespan in the wild. 

(scroll on the document to the left, to see all 5 animals)

Source: created with infograph.venngage 

Source: A-Z Animals 

Untitled document.pdf

Kilimanjaro Poem

To the left is a Poem written by Andy Paukert. The poem talks about the  geographical challenges of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain In Africa. It is also the tallest free standing mountain in the world. Many climbers attempt to hike to the peak. A lot of times casualties happen due to extreme heat and cold. Kilimanjaro is on the equator  so you would think its very hot. However Kilimanjaro is so high up that half of the mountain is covered in snow year round.

Source: Britannica School