
This is the economics page as shown above, covers the key parts of East Africa's economy. Please take note of the importance of East Africa after seeing these bits of information. These will primarily show new business updates as of April 2023, general statistics, and a podcast showing products/exports of the region. Thus page was created By Nathan Phillips 

Video for trade/business 

This video highlights the new cash crop aid bill that will help farmers/buyers. It will allow for more retail to European countries. This will provide a needed reform of the system that has been requested for many years now. This clip was taken by “Citizen TV Kenya”.


This infographic highlights the GDP, Unemployment, and Trade items with countries in east Africa. These are the major topics of growth with the eastern countries of Africa. This infographic was made with Canva.

GEO podcast.mp3


This podcast covers major exports of East Africa. It also covers up incoming products and industries. The audio file didn't save correctly please skip to 5:47 to actually hear audio sorry for the inconvenience. This was made using Audacity