Community Schools       

Afterschool Program Newsletter

Rosanna Paribello, Director 

Main Office, 8 Bonair St.  Room 308 - Somerville, MA                                         Adriana Guereque, Assistant Director

Phone: 617 625-6600 x 6970    Fax 617 629-5512                                       Gina Miranda, Student Services Coordinator

Important Dates To Remember

2023-2024 School Registration Dates and Open Houses

No Programming on following dates:

Parent Resources

In our commitment to making our program as available as possible, we continue providing financial assistance for families. If you need information, please contact Adriana Guereque at   You can also contact the  Site Coordinator in your student school. Thank you for all your support to Community Schools – being with your children makes us all happy!

Albert F. Argenziano 

Coordinator; Elizabeth Bell

Assistant Coordinator; Brianna Arevalo

Mandeep Kaur, Lia Sokol, Sresha Pradhan, Anabella Pena, Makaila Witham, Mark Gartsbeyn, Michael Chiaravalotti, Harvinder Kaur, Patricia Cruz.

Happy November Argenziano families! We have turned the clocks back, getting used to it being darker but still getting in as much outside time as possible. We are also anticipating the fall/winter holidays and breaks coming up to spend time with our families. Let’s check out what each grade level is up to..

Pre-K (Ms. Mandy):

For this month’s projects, students engaged in food and weather related activities. For our first two weeks of the month, students worked on fun crafts such as puffy paint cupcakes, apple stamping, paper plate donuts, grape collages, and more! As for our weather theme activities, our pre-k kids learned about the changes in the weather and created rainy day umbrellas with dangling raindrops, bright paper plates suns, rainbow and sun paper plate craft, etc. The projects assigned for the kids allowed them to experiment with 3D elements, mixed media, and a variety of art making techniques to enhance their fine motor skills.

K-2nd grade (Ms. Lia, Ms. Cruz, Ms. Elizabeth & Ms. Brianna):


In Sparks Fitness club with Ms. Brianna we are doing lots of physical activity and stretching to keep our bodies active & healthy! At the beginning of the club we always start with stretches and warm ups like lunges, squats or jumping jacks. Most of the kids like doing push ups too and even a challenging exercise called burpees! Then each week we alternate playing gym games or various sport activities. Sometimes we play Fishy, Fishy or another version called Frogs & Gators which they all really enjoy. We have also played Captain Says and four corners. For sports so far we have learned the game of kickball, hockey, soccer and basketball. We have also learned the importance of teamwork and good sportsmanship through these games and activities. The kids have so much fun playing and cheering on their teammates!

3rd-5th (Mr. Mark):

 Hey hey from Mark in group 5! Chilly November weather means it's time to chill inside with a great board game. 

In Board Game Bonanza, we've performed vibe checks with Wavelength, built tasty plates in Sushi Go Party! and engaged in trickery and deceit in Coup. But of course, Mancala and Connect 4 remain as classic mainstays. That club will return next session, but I've got some new clubs in the works as well, including a very cool engineering club that I'm particularly excited about. Stay tuned for that! 

Otherwise, eight of us had a great time on election day at one of my favorite places in the world, the Museum of Science. (We met a new friend, as you can see—he calmed us down after the exciting but very loud lightning show.)

Arthur D. Healey School

Coordinator: Amanda Oppman

Henry Duarte, Nicholas Triant, Suri Gonzalez, Christopher Thompson,

Alexander Walters, Rafael Santos,Aidsa Rivera, Michelle Ambia, Prya Plein

Hello Healey families! This school year has been off to a great start. Our students are hard at work each day and are learning so many lessons through teamwork and are working extra hard on our decision making. Each week I am blown away at how much each of our students wants to lend a helping hand to those around them. As the season of thanks and joy is upon us, I can’t wait to see what each of these kiddos is up to!

Mr. Alex:

In the Art of Performing, students have begun their mini production of Shrek. Last week we tried out for parts and practiced reading through the script on stage. The kids had fun acting and trying out their best impersonations of characters they know and love! We will continue to work on this awesome project!

Soccer Club has grown in size, making every day more fun! We have had scrimmages, have done drills like dribble tag in the tot lot, and always find time to play our favorite soccer game: Pedro's Castles. Keep playing!

Olympic Games has had a blast in the gym. We have played many different types of sports games with teams like dodgeball and capture the flag, and students can look forward to relay races and gymnastics! Keep playing!

Mr. Henry:

This month the students worked on a variety of different things in clubs. 

In Lego world the students worked on making a school and Fall themes out of Lego blocks! In health and nutrition/ wellness warriors the students continued to experiment with a variety of smoothies using fruits and vegetables! They also learned how to make a healthy breakfast. Instead of loading french toast with sugary syrup, students topped their toast with an assortment of berries and a dash of honey. The students also learned to do different kinds of exercises and meditation in order to have a healthy mind and body. 

In Spanish 101 the students learned the South American countries and what their capitals are. The students ended the month by coming up with the name of their own country and capital to start designing their country over the next few weeks. 

In master of games the students have been learning how to play different kinds of board games, such as Sorry! and Monopoly. The students also learned how to play Uno Flip and Dos. 

In Perler Beads the students have been working on making scary Halloween themed design out of beads. They have also been making their favorite animals, which included a blue jay and a variety of adorable cats.

As a whole group, the students in room 207 have also been working extensively on teamwork. Students have participated in a wide range of team building activities including the human knot, blind drawing, group picture designing and so many more. Students have begun to show incredible strides in their efforts to improve communication and collaborative thinking. We even began our newest reward challenge! As a class students are granted one hundred single dollars that they work to keep to spend on a prize at the end of the month. Each time the class is struggling they lose $1. Prizes are sectioned off in intervals and students are doing a great job of maintaining enough money to buy themselves a pizza party this month! Stay tuned to find out if they succeed in November and what our grand prize for December will be.

Miss Michelle:

In our Animal Appreciation Club, we just finished learning about and appreciating different zones in the ocean. We drew a mural of one ocean zone and made watercolor bubbles with sea life in them to show others what type of sea life lives in certain ocean zones.

In Recycled Arts and Crafts, we are doing our finishing touches to our tin can robots made using tin cans, colorful buttons, pipe cleaners, and other cool recyclable materials to make the parts of our robots.

In our Chemistry Club, we are monitoring our rock candy Crystals, so that we can learn more about how Crystals are made and form overtime.

Miss Suri:

Students in PreK have been continuing our work with classroom rules and expectations and how to make green choices. 

Students worked on “I Can Follow The Rules At School” books and drew some amazing pictures of them following each of the different rules. Students are also working on learning their colors and numbers with some awesome math activities with Miss Suri. Students became familiar with numbers by creating their very own clocks. They were so excited to be able to decorate and move the clock hands around to explore with numbers and time. 

Children explored colors through different coloring pages and by making their own traffic lights. We learned red means STOP, yellow means SLOW, and green means GO. We are also using colors to help with decision making. Ask your kiddos if they made green choices or red choices today. 

Students have also enjoyed a variety of other crafts including making their own clouds that rain rainbow hearts, umbrellas and their own turkeys!


The Joy of Painting: 

When students step into the classroom each Monday for “The Joy of Painting” Club, they know they are entering a calm, relaxing space where they will be able to do their best work. This session, we have been working on painting different landscapes, ranging from mountains to valleys. Additionally, we have explored how to incorporate the weather into our artwork, such as techniques on how to include snow on hills. It has been amazing to see how many students have grown as artists throughout the course of this club!

Art with Fruit: 

In “Art with Fruit” club, students have been introduced to different fruits and studied their health benefits. More importantly, they have used these seemingly “boring” foods to create their own masterpieces. This session, we have made hedgehogs, butterflies, and snakes using a wide variety of fruits.



Students are encouraged to unleash their creativity in “Aquabeads” club. Using just special beads and adding water, students have let their imaginations run wild. We have made dolphins, dragonflies, and all sorts of other creatures. The best part is that these masterpieces are completed 100% by the kids. Once they are dry, students can take them home and feel an amazing sense of pride and accomplishment.  

Miss O:

Lego Engineers club challenged students to make a 3 dimensional pumpkin , which turned out to be much harder than we all expected! We explored our STEM challenges and needed to creat a tower and then build a ladder to get us to the top. We were also challenged to build the base of a house and try to create a roof to keep our lego families dry. Our STEM challenges were so much fun we can’t wait to see what else we’ll be challenged to build.

Everyone is an Artist club has explored some really cool art themes. We learned all about optical illusions and made some funky spider webs. We explored Tessellations in nature and then used shape blocks to build our own. Some students created theirs with one shape repeating while others built their own shapes and created some very cool patterns. Students were also challenged to recreate a famous painting: Monet’s bridge.

Zentangles had to miss a few club sessions this month but students were still introduced to several new designs. We practiced some interesting illusion tangles like “Jonqal” and “Fracas”. We also got to practice some easier ones like “ “Jetties” and “Ennies”. Students have one more group of tangles to learn before we begin working on our large tangle pieces, joining together all the designs we’ve learned into a beautiful mural.

Animal lovers dove into some animals commonly associated with Fall. We tuned into the Kratt brothers for their other show “Wild Kratts” to learn more about bats! We learned there are over 1,000 types of bats, woah! We learned most bats eat small insects or fruit and only 1 type of bat eats blood, the Vampire Bat! Students then turned different shapes into cute bats flying through the night sky. We were very excited to learn all about foxes this month as well. We watched Zoboomafoo run around with some red fox pups and then turned toilet paper rolls into our very own fox pups. Our last fall animal is the hedgehog! Did you know hedgehogs are nocturnal? We also learned that hedgehogs look super cute when they’re decorated with beautiful fall leaves!

Benjamin G. Brown School

Coordinator: Kelsey Kent 

Ashley Marks, Will Whelan, Marie Cheney, Katherina Dinka, Grace Barton, 

Kasey Hoebermann, Cole Martell, Stephanye Idelfonso, Kelliann Marks, Karen Oppman

Master of Boards

This club brings back the classics. 

Twister, candyland, monopoly, and guess who are some of the games these kiddos get to play. On some special days our gamemaker group from the 3-4 grade come down to showcase their new fancy games. 

The kids love to play some of the classic games and they learn teamwork, and structure while having fun. Games really do help our kiddos gain confidence and good sportsmanship.

Did you know that guess who helps our kids learn how to ask the questions? Not that they needed that much help. These kids are wired to ask, “why” all the time. 

There are so many things to be thankful for this year. We’ve had great clubs, made new friends, tried new things, and had wonderful weather. This time of year we start looking forward to the winter months because we bring back some of our favorite pastime activities, like sledding! Before I get ahead of myself. Lets take a glance at our current clubs!

Lego Challenge

Our kiddos might be made of legos. They see and breathe legos. In fact at the Harvest fest one of the coveted items was a lego set. I don’t know which kid ended up with it but I am sure it was the envy of all.

The brown school kiddos need more than a simple set of legos. They always are game for a challenge. In this club they’ll find themselves challenged by creating using only one hand. Or how about creating a bridge. Can you make a burger and fries with your lego set? These kids can. They have the engineering skills!


Extra extra, read all about it! This year’s newspaper club have created a website to share with the families. They covered some exciting news and polls this year. Some of our kiddos did a piece on our guest readers. Covering the awesome event had them being eyewitness news reporters and having to come up with the questions for their guests. Learning how to prepare for a story is another skill to build in afterschool. The kiddos are also creating polls from the afterschool kids. Polls asking, “what would make the school better?”. Keep a lookout for our newspaper!

November 8th PD day

This is that wild day where we have programing but not school. We get the run of the school and we usually celebrate it by going on a field trip. This year we ventured to New Hampshire to see their glorious Chunky’s Movie Theater. We were scheduled to see Lyle Lyle Crocodial but there was a technical difficulty. Not sure if that what that means? However, we were super lucky they had any movie for us at all. And frankly we’ll take pizza/ice cream any day with a movie. We just wanted to relax and chill in these cushie seats! We loved the private showing of Luck. We had a blast hanging with friends and enjoying a lovely movie. I mean, look at those seats!

East Somerville Community School

Coordinator: Yolanda Andrade

Assistant Coordinator: Diana Posada 

Raymond Corsini, Janice Pousland, Joanne Simon, Sonia Barahona, Sara Ali, Mario Quiroz, Sarah McClelland. Estefani Medrano, Tashmeer Michel, Daniel Louis, Deni Matias Martin, Mia Rivera, Ashley Castro, Olivia Oliveira

Greetings from the After School at the East Somerville! As most of the leaves have already fallen and the ones remaining are turning exciting colors of red, yellow, and orange, everyone at the East Somerville is making the most of the few warm weeks left before Jack Frost comes nipping at our noses! November is an exciting month -- marking the middle of session one and our extraordinary clubs! Each and every day the kids at ESCS continue to grow and prosper in everything they do, accomplishing goals they never thought to achieve before.

It is a remarkable pleasure to see the kids of the ESCS engaged in their astounding clubs, all of which enable them to make their days from 2:30 – 5:30 more fun, productive, and educational. 

Wednesday’s Animal Explorations club has allowed the students to really experience educational fun! With interesting animals - ranging from corn snakes to hissing cockroaches -- Animal Exploration is a great way for the students to learn more about new and intriguing animals and the environments in which they live.

Puppets, Transportation, How to Draw, Book Craft, Art Recycle, and Art Collage Club, has allowed our kids to use both their creative and intellectual minds to the fullest! Animal puppets, paper flowers, pumpkin seeds leaves, rocks explorations, and balloon masks are keeping the students engaged and in touch with their artistic side.

This month, we took an exciting fieldtrip to the Science Museum! Everyone got to explore and learn about engineering, plants, rocks, minerals, and even about our own bodies. Everyone was able to dive into their creative side and imagine what it’s like to be a scientist and to study so many different things on our planet. We all had so much fun and didn’t even want to come back to school.

The Strong Women Strong Girl club also makes Mondays exciting, where our ESCS girls are really able to embrace their girl awesomeness with songs, music history, and studying legendary female rock-stars who have rocked out in the past!

Session One has already fulfilled all of our expectations of educational and exciting fun and we are looking forward to what else is in store for both the students and staff at the East Somerville Community school After School Program within the next month!

Michael E. Capuano Early Childhood Center

Coordinator: Micheal Horowitz

Assistant Cordinator: Alex Mendoza, 

Bryan Convey, Ana Treska, Neelam Sehil, Mei Idris, Jaqueline Gaffney, Silvana Dinka, Alaa Bautkhourst, Siarrah Murray, Joao Detoledo

The weather has been generally wonderful and warm this fall. Students and teachers alike have been reveling in the warm fall days, spending generous amounts of time in the playground having fun in the soft autumn sun.

Now that we are well into autumn, some holidays already passed, more to come, all the classrooms at Capuano are involved with seasonally relevant activities. For example, classes have had all kinds of fun with pumpkins, spiders, and fall. Other subjects of interest include Harvest, Being Thankful, Kindness, Friendship, Astronauts, Space and Rocket ships. Of course, all the classes have made turkey projects of one kind or another.

It is a matter of course that we do plenty of reading. For example, we read “Pumpkinhead” by Eric Kimmel, which is about a town of creatures with pumpkins for heads who have a rather narrow view of the world and no matter how they try, cannot see outside of their own little world. Another example is Paulette Bourgeoise’s “Franklin’s Thanksgiving,” which is about family relationships, missing your family when family cannot get together, and how friends can help each other in challenging times when family cannot be present.

Examples of the projects and activities related to our themes and reading can be found in some of the newsletter photos. Classes have made marshmallow constructions, leaf animals, spiders, pumpkin patches, pumpkins on fences, cornucopias, and of course lots of turkeys. The children of room 218 have become engrossed in journaling, using journals supplied to us before the pandemic began! We try to put everything to use here at after-school at the Capuano.  

To conclude our November newsletter, we would like to wish all our families happiness and good health through the upcoming holiday season.

John F. Kennedy Elementary School

Coordinator: Allison Gills

Assistant Coordinator: Emmaline Lipka

Kelly Lopez, Nicole Tolbert, Ethan Hallet, Savannah Paul, Maureen Nichols, 

Emma Oppman, Mary Lou Hodgdon, Julissa Cardoza, Nicolas Pedro, Anders Haugesag

Hi everyone!

It is so hard to believe we are moving right through the month of November and that the holiday season is upon us. We have been doing so many fun things in After School lately. Students are working together to build, create, and learn so much!

A few general reminders before we go into all the fun activities:

Session 2 begins on Wednesday January 4th when we return to school from Winter Break- be on the lookout for an email regarding session 2 club selections soon as well!  

And now for the fun stuff! Take a look at what we have been doing this month!

We had a great trip during our Election Day full Day Program. We went to Launch Trampoline Park and had so much fun. We loved the jousting arena, trampolines, ropes course, and pits to jump into! I think everyone also enjoyed the pizza and the bus ride! It was a great time all around. 

Some of our second grade friends worked hard together to build this fantastic pirate ship hybrid tank. It was great to see them all work together to create this piece during a lego day. So great to see all their smiles, proud of the work they did!

Here are some of our pre-k friends in their first letter costumes from the school day parade and pajama day. We thought they looked so great so we had to make sure we took some pictures of them too! Pre-k has been having a lot of fun with fall activities. They picked some leaves from the tot lot and did a leaf activity with them once they went back inside. 

Our STEM club has been doing some pretty great experiments and projects lately. They created catapults using plastic spoons, popsicle sticks, and rubber bands. The kids had a great time with that! They also got to do a marshmallow and spaghetti challenge and it was so fun to see their creativity and focus during the whole activity time. A few of the creations are pictured below. 

Groundworks Somerville Club-

This club has been helping clean leaves on the tot lot and till the soil for the garden beds to get ready for winter and prepared for springtime. They have learned different gardening terms, and what different types of plants’ seeds look like. 

Fun Lego Creations-


Students were given the task to create their name out of legos. This was a fun way to build legos with a given set of rules to follow (make letters out of lego bricks to spell your name). They enjoyed this activity and it was great to see everyone working hard to build their letters! 

They also had the task of building their bedroom layout or a store layout out of legos. This was fun to watch them think and design before building their layouts! 

Winter Hill Community Innovation School

Coordinator: Deijah Euvrard

Assistant Coordinator: Daniela Garcia

Latifa Mortady, Veronica Garza, Tanty Koita,Rosa Palma, Mohammed Miahjee, Rue Ferrufino, Cheli Mandelker, Mariah Jones, Ariana Melendez, Nehemie Simon

Hello Families!

Chilly weather is upon us and our kiddos are slowly transitioning to indoor activities and clubs. Our routines, visual schedules and yummy treats/school store continue to teach the students good habits and behaviors. We also got to visit the Science Museum (which the kids LOVED) as a special trip for Election Day! 


Pre-schoolers have been grasping techniques for gratitude and thankfulness with Ms.Latifa. This topic and lesson plan have modeled great behavior and manners for the little ones. Through arts and crafts, games, stories and free time kiddos are using their manners and insight due to this lesson. Students are widely encouraged to use their words, manners, kindness and thankfulness to express gratitude to staff, friends and family.


The kindergarten students have been loving their time in club and free time with Ms.Daniela. Cranium Krusherz is a popular club amongst the little ones, they are able to use their thoughts and ideas to make predictions and utilize them in fun and exciting science projects.

 Kindergarten also earns stickers everyday to have the opportunity to win a prize every Friday. All in all our pupils continue to be kind and loving to our new arriving staff Ms. Mariah and Ms.Rue

Grades 1st-2nd

Our first and second grade pupils have been loving Pokemon Club and Planet Protectors with Ms.Deijah and Ms.Daniela. 

Pokemon continues to be a group favorite where kiddos can create colorings, projects, duals and earn pokemon cards for themselves throughout the quarter. 

Planet protectors have been collecting natural resources and recycled materials to create all kinds of earth bound projects. Dirt ecosystems and leaf prints have recently been made and learned about. 

Our kids love Stem and the opportunity to learn all different kinds of new topics and facts. 

Students also earn a sticker each day for the opportunity to cash in for a prize at the end of the week. This keeps students on their toes and itching for opportunities to earn stickers and prizes.

Grades 3rd-6th 

Our third through sixth grade scholars have begun a new routine that includes a visual schedule and jobs at the start of the program. This new routine helps the older students get to know, become buddies and examples to other children. They have been showing strength, responsibility and individuality through jobs, art projects and participating in clubs. Our goal for our 3rd through 6th grade students is to be able to grow into the best version of themselves.


-Cold Weather is approaching, Please remember jackets!

-Please Label your student(s) water bottles and coats.

-Please let us know if your student(s) will be absent!

-Please make sure to join our WHCIS After School class on the REMIND APP. Please email me for the code! It is the fastest way to get updates on sudden weather changes and news.

Thank you!

West Somerville Neighborhood School

Coordinator: Joshua Leibovitz

Assistant Coordinator: Seana Read

 Jane Fabiano, Vanessa Nason, Darly Pierre, Gianna Amari, Rodrigo Rodriguez, Joseph Amari, Katherine Yanes, Riley Williams

Hello Families! 

Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!


And Just like that we are almost done with the year 2022! What a wonderful 3 months it has been, almost feels like we just started school still. As we progress through the remainder of the year we can only imagine how the weather will change.  Going from 75 degrees one day to 52 degrees the next day. Massachusetts really has a random way of telling us winter is approaching. All I can say is that I can not wait to drink Hot Chocolate and begin to enjoy warm comfort meals! Who knows we  might not get snow till March. 

Now to get on with the real reason why you are reading this. It's time to introduce our starting lineup for our Afterschool program!

For our younger friends they have been enjoying the time of their lives, or I would hope so. Ms. Jane and Ms. Darly really have been doing tremendous work with our Pre-K friends. Ranging from building the tallest Eiffel tower the world has ever seen, enjoying their prizes that they have been earning, to our number selling event of Show & Tell. Our friends have been having a tremendous time and always enjoying their time with us. They even decided to create their own game of laser tag. Where there is a limited amount of string that is tangled up between the class, and our mission is to untangle it and not get stung by the laser. I think we might have created our very own super spies in afterschool. 

I would begin to sleep with one eye open at this point. 

On this month's special event we have our Kindergarten through 2nd grade ready to celebrate after school! 

They have been enjoying their clubs and teachers this month. Especially since they discovered that they are able to eat herbs at our local garden. One specific day we were even able to make our very own Ketchup using the herbs and tomatoes from our very own garden. Did it taste like Heinz ketchup, no, but at least we made it. We were just missing the french fries! After 

Making our wonderful purple ketchup, we decided to challenge our imaginations and create our very own animal and their habitat in our very own Nature Club Ms. Vanessa. Did you know how hard it is to create our very own animal when there are so many already created. It was nearly impossible to do so, but we did it, and we created our very own habitat for them in our classroom.  Transitioning from one club to another has been easy with our friends since everyday they are able to go to one of their favorite clubs for that day, and now onto the world cup that is coming up soon. 

Although our afterschool students weren't able to qualify to the world cup due to our age, we were able to host our own world cup with a little style to it. In this week's soccer match we have slytherin vs hufflepuff. This will be the match of the century, especially with our Kindergartens being the lead scorer for our school. 

Check back on next month's newsletter for results! 


- Please make sure to join our WSNS Afterschool class on the REMIND APP. Please email me for the code! It is the fastest way to get updates on sudden weather changes and news.

-With the change of weather, make sure to pack a sweater!

-Our Lost & Found is filling up quickly with the change of season. Consider labeling your child’s coats/sweatshirts to ensure they make it home if left behind!

-Pack extra clothes for our younger students in case of an emergency 

 Thank you!