Rosanna Paribello, Director

Main Office, 167 Holland St.  Rm 132- Somerville, MA                                                                                                       Adriana Guereque, Assistant Director 

Phone: 617 625-6600 x 6970    Fax 617 629-5512                                                                                                        Gina Miranda, Student Services Coordinator

                                                                                        Dana Gordon, Clinical Coordinator 


November 7 no school. Election Day

Early release Wednesday:

Thanksgiving Break :

Parent Resources

Please remember to read the updated Parent Handbook 2023-2024 for new tuition policies and rates.  

Use this link to access the Parent Information Google Drive:

You can pay your child’s afterschool tuition online at: 

You can also pay by check to the afterschool coordinator or through your personal online bank.  

In our commitment to making our program as available as possible, we continue providing financial assistance for families. If you need information, please contact Adriana Guereque at   You can also contact the  Site Director in your student school. Thank you for all your support to Community Schools – being with your children makes us all happy!

Counselor’s Corner

Dana Gordon

Happy October! I hope you all are enjoying the fall and that the school year transition has gone well. At Community Schools, we are getting into regular routines and meeting new friends.  At our sites, your students are practicing and strengthening their social skills including communication, cooperation, and empathy.  It is wonderful seeing how fun and thoughtful they are with each other and how it builds their own self-esteem. Be sure to ask your kiddos about how they are meeting and being good friends!

Albert F. Argenziano 

Site Director; Elizabeth Bell

Assistant Site Director; Brianna Arevalo

Sresha Pradhan, Anabella Pena, Makaila Witham, Yasmin Almeida, Ileana Perlera , Etta Resnick, Ana Cortez, Keala Arciero, Sana Kazemi, Gianna Bottiglio, Bryan Rodriguez, Chandler Timoleon

Happy October Argenziano families!! We are now almost halfway through the first session of clubs and are embracing the fall season and cooler weather. In some of our nature/outdoor clubs and when we are outside the kids are observing the leaves change into pretty colors. Let’s check out what each grade level is up to..

*Parents/Guardians: Some of our clubs this session are in need of toilet paper/paper towel rolls, packing peanuts/foam, and small cardboard boxes. Thanks so much for your donations and support!!

Pre-K (Ms. Keala):

 Aloha, I am Keala and I am the Group 1 After-school Lead teacher for Kindergarten and Pre-k for the 2023-2024 school year. Different themes are created each week for learning enrichment and are integrated with Social-Emotional learning (SEL). Students were curious about the solar system and practiced fine motor skills through painting & gluing. During SEL lessons, children learned about setting boundaries and communicating with peers. I look forward to a fun year full of creativity!

K-2nd grade (Ms. Sana, Mx. Ileana, Ms. Ana, & Mr. C):


Mx. Ileana- Welcome to Lego building club! In Lego building club students get the chance to work independently, with a partner or in a small group to do kids most favorite activity, using their imagination to build with Legos!  Each week students are given a different theme to build Lego creations. We have themes that range from building your dream house to building an underwater sea adventure. 

3rd-5th (Ms. Etta):


Hello! I am Ms. Etta and this is my second year in Afterschool. Group 4 is enjoying this month's beautiful weather outside and fun clubs inside. We have been doing some crafty clubs such as Designing DIY and Pokeworld.


In Designing DIY we have made “Golbbles” (stress balls that can stick together), and origami twisting fidgets.  The students were excited to be able to make their own stress balls and fascinated that soapy water was all it took to make the stress balls stick together.  The origami fidgets were very challenging but the students were very happy with the end results. The students also made paper bookmarks which were cute and useful. Looking forward, the students will make more diverse fidgets such as flextangles, and spinning drums.  I’m excited to see how all the new projects turn out!


In Pokeworld we have played pokemon bingo and made origami pokeballs.  The pokemon bingo was spirited and we learned about a few new pokemon. The pokeball were challenging yet satisfying to make.  Looking forward we will be making an origami pikachu and hatching pokemon eggs along with other poke-projects. I’m excited to adventure more into Pokeworld!

Arthur D. Healey School

Site Director: Amanda Oppman

Assistant Site Director: Alexander Walters

Nicholas Triant, Suri Gonzalez, Christopher Thompson,

 Aidsa Rivera, Ishaya Williams, Jaqueline Medrano, Johana Maldonado, Ludwing Perez

Happy fall after-school!


October was a great month here at the Healey, with a lot of great friendships forming. Student groups were shifted around a bit and our 3rd and 4th grade students are now paired with 5th and 6th grade mentors! We love seeing our older students support our younger students and watching the new friendships form among the groups has been a treat. Our 3rd and 5th grade room has accomplished making one of the most impressive paper chains we’ve ever seen! We kicked off clubs at the end of September and students have really been enjoying all the outdoor time clubs have provided this month. The fall weather has made all that outdoor time even more enjoyable. Take a read below for some of the great activities all of our students have been up to.


Mr. Walters:

Beast Mode: Students have been having a blast in Beast Mode! We have really been able to put our new turf field to good use and have had sunny days almost every club meeting! So far, we’ve played soccer (the kids’ favorite) a few different times – we’ve scrimmaged with teams, and have loved playing our new favorite free-for-all version called “World Cup Soccer,” where there are no teams, one goal, and whoever scores first becomes the new goalie. We’ve also been able to try touch football, with each student having a chance to try being a quarterback. 3 Ball is also a favorite – a modified version of dodgeball where there are no sides and only 3 balls, which can get pretty interesting!


All About Autumn: Students have been enjoying their time in All About Autumn so far. We’ve been blessed with beautiful weather and have been able to be mostly outside enjoying the fall temperatures. Students have learned the reasons for the seasons by completing a paper plate craft designed to show the orbit of the earth around the sun, its tilt, and when the seasons take place due to this orbit and tilt. Students enjoyed the Bug Hunt, where they searched outside for as many different varieties of bugs and animals they could find in a limited time. Our paper airplane contest was also a big hit – students were taught how to make two different types of paper airplanes, explore why they fly differently due to their designs, and then decorate and fly their own planes with their friends outside. We look forward to nature walks to see the changing fall leaves and making caramel apples!

Miss Annie:

Change makers: In change makers, we asked the students what cause they care about and want to make a difference for. There were many ideas, but something that all of the kids had in common was being passionate about helping animals. Each week, students are working on jewelry projects that will be sold to staff, friends and families at the end of the session. All the money raised will be donated to a charity that the students voted for, which is a local animal shelter. Some students are working on bracelets, while others create earrings, necklaces, phone charms, and more. We also learn about how we can be change makers every day, giving back to our community and working hard to make a positive impact, no matter how big or small.


Graphic Novels: Students are working on expressing their creative side by writing and illustrating short graphic novels. Some have chosen to make small comics, while others are writing and illustrating a series. No matter which they choose, they are encouraged to embrace their imagination and use their stories to express themselves. We are learning about how to write and tell stories that follow the Hero’s Journey, which includes developing exciting adventures using dialogue, characters, plot, setting, action, and most importantly, visuals. 


Outdoor club: Outdoor club is all about finding ways to engage with nature each day. So far, we have done lots of activities to get everyone outside and active. We did a neighborhood scavenger hunt, where students solved riddles that led them to objects that can be found in gardens and yards. We have worked on mindfulness by practicing yoga in the fields, and also embraced the Healey community garden by having a picnic and playing nature-themed charades. Students will also be taking hikes in the Middlesex Fells Reservation, which is a beautiful place to explore the outdoors and learn about our local ecosystems and ways we can take care of them and grow them as a community.

Mr. T:

The Joy of Painting: Using watercolor paints, students have been working on painting different landscapes while following along with Bob Ross. Mr. T has been impressed by how well the students take care of the painting materials and clean up after themselves. In the coming weeks, we will begin taking a look at more advanced techniques that Bob Ross uses. 


Art with Fruit: In the past few weeks, we have been using several different fruits to make our creations. Pineapple, pears, and strawberries have been among the most popular fruits that we have used to make rocket ships, hedgehogs, and even butterflies! And of course, we can not forget about Mr. T’s chocolate chip eyes that students most look forward to each session. 


Lego Engineering: In Lego Engineering club, students have been using motors to power their own designs. The kids have built boats, cars, along with other vehicles as well. We only have a limited amount of motors to use, but it has been great to see the students share with one another and use teamwork to complete their engineering projects. Keep up the good work! 

Miss Suri: In our PreK room students began learning the letters in the month of October.  We have done crafts and games for the letters P, D, B and R. Students made pigs and penguins, dolphins and ducks. We made our own books and got to draw the pictures for them and come up with our own stories. We colored different pictures that had the letters in them and enjoyed making rainbows and rabbits. Students got to enjoy a field trip to Foss Park for one of our half days and enjoyed getting to play on the different playgrounds and run around on the large field. We especially love making train tracks during choice time and you’d be surprised how many traffic jams you find on our rug

Benjamin G. Brown School

Site Director: Kelsey Kent 

Assistant Site Director:  Tamica Connor

Ashley Marks, Will Whelan, Marie Cheney, Katherina Dinka, Grace Barton, 

Kasey Hoebermann, Stephanie Idelfonso, Kelliann Marks, Karen Oppman

Happy Fall, 

Fall has been in full swing, and so have our clubs! In this newsletter we’ll detail special birthdays, important dates, friendly reminders and featured photos from our session 1 clubs! We invite you to take a closer look at what our students and staff are up to this October!

Friendly Reminders:

Kindergarten, First & Second grade classrooms are looking for special guest readers! If you’re interested in being a guest reader, you can email Ms. Ashley at:

** Thank you to our families who have helped fulfill our wish lists! We have received banana-grams, creative scissors, magnetic blocks, and multi-sided die! 

Guest Reader: Mrs. Diebold

The last months has been filled with fun for our K-2 grades! This month’s featured K-2 clubs are: Aquatic Safari (led by Ms. Kelli) where children explore our natural world through art. Dr. Seuss Club (led by Ms. Ashley) where students are immersed in the stories by Dr. Suess. Each week, they are introduced to a story and extended learning through related crafts such as puppets and masks. Hang-man (led by Ms. Marie) where the students work together to solve the mystery word. Ms. Marie shared that students wanted to come up with their own word mystery to challenge Ms. Marie!

Oh my Gourd! Our 3-5 grades have been busy with their clubs this fall! This month's featured 3-5 clubs are: Game-Makers, Future Club, Poetry Club, Camping Club and Fall-Active. In Game-Makers (led by Mr. Will) students have been able to build and test out the mechanics of their self-made board games! Future Club (led by Mr. Will) students have been engineering magnetic repulsion powered cars and building what they think “futuristic” cars will look like. Poetry Club (led by Mr. Kasey) students have been able to construct their own poetry books! They’ve been able to go out into nature and be mindful of what they were hearing, seeing, smelling and feeling to create some fall poems. Lastly, in the Camping Club (led by Mr. Kasey) students have been able to collaborate with Fall-Active Club (led by Mr. Will) to go out into nature and build their own “boma.” Camping Club has also been able to build “mock” fire-pits and roast marshmallows with solar-powered ovens!! 

We hope you’ve enjoyed taking a “peep” inside After-School! We hope you stay cozy this October! 


Brown After-School

East Somerville Community School

Site Direcor: Yolanda Andrade

Assistant Site Director: Diana Posada 

Raymond Corsini, Janice Pousland, Joanne Simon, Sonia Barahona, Mario Quiroz, Sarah McClelland. Estefani Medrano, Tashmeer Michel, Daniel Louis, Deni Matias Martin,  Ashley Castro, Olivia Oliveira, Destiny Andrade

The fall is a wonderful time for everyone as the leaves are changing colors and we transition into the beautiful and crisp autumn season, we’re taking out our winter gear and experiencing the sweater weather that we all love so much! It’s also the time where students are midway through clubs and beginning to feel comfortable with their peers, teachers, and their environment. Here at afterschool, all students have been doing a great job with following directions and our daily routine, they all have also done an amazing job with getting along with each other and building new friendships with their peers.

As we move into October, we want to extend our gratitude to all our students, families, and staff for the continued dedication and hard work. We've had a fantastic start to the afterschool program and it's wonderful to see our students engaged. We are all continuing to work towards creating a positive and safe learning environment for all our students.

Our friends in the 3rd through 7th grade are having a blast in their clubs. in the club Team Building students have been learning how to play games such as scramble, volleyball, and kickball. Each week they get to partake in a new game learning essential skill such as teamwork and communication. In Lego Challenges with Mr. Daniel students have been constructing and bringing to life their ideas following Mr. Daniel’s guidelines for the week. Besides our clubs many of our 6th -7th graders have been getting involved in the ESCS community by joining Debate Club, Basketball Club, Art Club, etc. We are happy to be supporting our students on their journey to leadership and independence. 

Our students in the PreK – 2nd grade have been participating in many enrichment projects and activities focusing on the change of season and finding ways of continuing to get to know one another through ice breakers, art activities and social engagements. PreK and K have been reading stories together creating amazing and colorful fall art. Our 1st and 2nd graders have been enjoying and taking advantage of the beautiful sunny weather before we begin to experience colder and rainier weather. Aside from being outside they have been helping each other with homework and reading. They also spend time helping out our PreK and K in clubs. in the club Piggy and Elephant Make Art students have been exploring their creativity and creating their own variations of the Piggy and Elephant book series.

Michael E. Capuano Early Childhood Center

Site Director: Micheal Horowitz

Assistant Site Director: TBD

Bryan Convey, Ana Treska, Neelam Sehil, Mei Idris, Jaqueline Gaffney,  Alaa Bautkhourst, Joao Detoledo, Ana Taveira

From mid-September until mid-October, there have been numerous rainy Mondays, but recently there have been plenty of warm sunny early fall afternoons. Capuano after-school students have been enjoying lots of outdoor play in the lovely Capuano playground. Themes during this time period included Fire Safety, and discussions in class about fire safety, as well as very successful fire drills on warm sunny afternoons.

The change of seasons prompts us to concentrate on what is happening around us with themes like Fall, Apples, Pumpkins, and Fall Animals. Classes read books about spiders like “I’m Trying to Love Spiders” by Bethany Barton and “Diary of a Spider” by Doreen Cronin. They did spider tracing and cutting activities to go along with the books. Some other examples of activities include paintings made with leaves dipped in fall colors, fallen leaves pasted onto construction paper, paper plate apple cores to go with the book “The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree,” and various paintings and drawings of fall trees.

Children also have choice time, which translates to: choose what you would like to play with. Children play with puzzles, cars, trains, Legos, Duplo, Magna-Tiles, plastic animals, water beads, you name it!

All the students in after-school at Capuano have been very busy cutting, pasting, drawing, coloring, and playing indoors and outdoors.    

John F. Kennedy Elementary School

Site Director: Allison Gills

Assistant Site Director: Emmaline Lipka

Kelly Lopez, Nicole Tolbert, Ethan Hallet, Savannah Paul, Maureen Nichols, 

Emma Oppman, Mary Lou Hodgdon

Hi Everyone!
We are well into session one clubs now and having such a great time! The fall weather is here and we are loving it! 


One note from Ms. Alison -regarding our change in dismissal location in a few weeks. For those of you who have been with us for a few years now, you’ll remember we switch to the cafeteria entrance during the winter months and that switch starts with Daylight Savings time. 


Information Below on when this switch will occur and information to pass along to anyone who might pick your children up from after school!

For those of you that were in after school last year, we will be doing the same thing and dismissing from the Cafeteria Door (Door off of Sartwell Ave where students would enter for Kids Night Out). And for our new families this year, this was a successful dismissal model last year that we are bringing back for the Daylight Savings/Winter months when we can't dismiss from the basketball court. 

Ms. Emmaline’s Clubs!

Craft and Chat-

Craft and chat is off to a great start for both the younger and older kids! K-2 has been making alot of fall crafts, from abstract tree art to pumpkins inspired by Yayoi Kusama. The 3rd through 6th graders have started to learn about different types of fiber art, and are currently working on weaving their own wall hangings.


Nature club-

Nature club has been busy enjoying this beautiful fall weather! We have been on nature walks along with doing our crafting outside at the picnic tables. We have spent a few club sessions learning about different types of mushrooms and creating our own out of clay. The students really enjoyed looking at zoomed in pictures of different types of fungus and mushrooms.


Art Historians-

The Art Historians club has been hard at work learning about different artists and creating art inspired by them. So far we have learned about David Hockney, Keith Haring and Wayne Thiebaud. We made drawings like Haring, landscapes like Hockney’s and learned how to draw a piece of cake like Thiebaud. We have a lot of very talented artists after school!

Ms. Emma’s Clubs! 

Lego Club - In lego club students have had to use their creative skills and build a shelter for themselves on an island, they have also got to build a pyramid, some kids build 2 next to each other. Students also got to use their imagination and got to design their dream playground/ park out of Legos and got to build a boat however they wanted.

Board games- students have gotten to play and learn all different board games/ puzzles, such as chess/checkers ( taught me how to play as well), bingo, connect 4, Jenga, sorry, headbands, and will get to play more.


Random fun- Students have made their handprints into monkeys, they also learned how to make puffy paint and made beautiful pictures. students also experimented with making cloud dough out of hair conditioner and cornstarch, students have also used peeler beads and got to create cool things out of those.


Retro Recess- Students have played fishy fishy, soccer, and four square, and have gotten to had free play. Students have written game ideas they want to play and each week a students will get to pick from them all and that will be what we play the following week.


Stories and art- we have read “The best time of day” and got to draw it favorite time of day just as each person in the book did. We have also read “Lilly Browns paintings” and “ The Dot” and created our own paintings out of watercolors and created our own dots. Students have also read “ The day the Crayon Quit” and had to pick a single color write a list of everything that color and draw a picture using the single crayon.

Our 3rd-5th grade group have been having a great time at after school this year! 

Mr. Ethan’s Clubs

This month Laura’s groups have been creating and exploring! Some are having fun making a functional cardboard pinball machine! Others are finding out about the moon goddess Chang’e and the Mid-Autumn festival in China. Also, kids have been designing sets, exploring deep space and making cabinets for the treasures they will be making.

Ms. Kelly’s Clubs

·         In game world club, students have been able to play in groups game, such as twister, Disney family feud, and Legos.

·         In Origami the club students have been able to practice their patience Unfolding and folding intricate pieces of origami such as parrots and dragon eyes.

·         In studio art, the students have been able to create art pieces that are relatable to them. The group was able to make art from puffy paint and enjoyed the texture of making this art.

·         In our from the heart, students have been working on creating their own versions of homes for birds. Some of their bird houses are open concept, or tightly structured and colorful.

Disney world club students have been labeling colors with certain Disney villains and characters. Students have been learning which colors they would coordinate their character to. 

Ms. Silvana’s Clubs-

In our science club students have learned how to create an apple investigation, not just simply the life cycle but more. We are learning to make observations about apples, measuring circumference, tasting, and comparing. Students are learning how to ask critical questions like “what keeps an apple from turning brown? And does an apple sink or float”?

In animal lovers, students are learning facts about their favorite animals, reading stories and drawing pictures about them. They are learning how important animals are, especially pets in our everyday life. We have also learned about animal classification and the habitats they live in.

Winter Hill Community Innovation School

Site Director: Deijah Euvrard

Assistant Site Director: Daniela Garcia

Latifa Mortady, Veronica Garza, Tanty Koita, Rosa Palma, Teddy O'Brien , Rue Ferrufino, Mariah Jones, Maria Henriquez, Ariana Melendez, Leonardo Fuentes, Seline Pierre,  Nehemie Simon

Hello Families!

As planned, kiddos are settling in and enjoying some of their favorite clubs, activities, events and upcoming holidays! Friends are perfecting their after school routine and reward system these past weeks. Kiddos are earning stickers daily towards a weekly prize on Friday!



●     With cooler weather comes more layers! Please label your child's clothing, backpack, water bottles, etc. as items are often lost or left behind. Lost or forgotten items can be found at the schools lost and found.

This is a perfect opportunity to double check if you have the Remind App! Again, this is the best way to get in contact with us for many things.

Link to Join:

Pre-k/ Kindergarten

Now that everyone has settled into the school year, our youngest group of kiddies started learning about all things fall. Ms.Latifa and friends took the time to look into the life cycle of a tree and make Autumn Crowns using nature materials. They’ve also used these same materials for painting and science experiments, how fun!

1st Grade

Our first grade friends have been getting in the groove with their new clubs. They’ve gotten to do a plethora of exciting science activities, art creations and gym games.This group has become a bunch of excellent readers through 20 minutes of reading daily. First graders have the opportunity to be read stories, read to themselves, others and staff. Our kiddos are being challenged weekly to reach their best potential. We do this by using our reward system to encourage kids to help others and do something kind each day.

Our third through sixth grade scholars have begun a new routine that includes a visual schedule, occasional jobs and mastering a successful week. This routine helps the older students get to know, become buddies and examples to other children. They have been showing strength, responsibility and individuality through jobs, art projects and participating in clubs. Our goal for our 3rd through 6th grade students is to be able to grow into the best version of themselves.

2nd Grade

Our first and second grade pupils have been loving Pokemon Club with Mr.Nehemie. Pokemon continues to be a group favorite where kiddos can create colorings, projects, duals and earn pokemon cards for themselves throughout the quarter. On Friday’s 2nd graders have the opportunity to play with the neighboring school kids and playground at the East Somerville School. Students also earn a sticker each day for the opportunity to cash in for a prize at the end of the week. This keeps students on their toes and itching for opportunities to earn stickers and prizes.

West Somerville Neighborhood School

Site Director: Joshua Leibovitz

Assistant Site Director: Seana Read

 Jane Fabiano, Darly Pierre, Gianna Amari, Rodrigo Rodriguez, Joseph Amari, Katherine Yanes, Riley Williams, Henry Duarte

Hello Families & Friends, it has been an amazing time in Afterschool. With just two months into Afterschool, our friends have been loving their clubs and activities in our program. There is never a dull moment, and it is always lovely seeing all of our friends and families. The weather is shifting, and a crisp chill is in the air. It's time to dig out those cozy sweaters and embrace the changing seasons. Don't forget to keep an umbrella handy, as the forecast suggests some showers on random New England days.

Now welcoming to the stage, we have our Kinder-2nd graders! Our friends have been enjoying their time in Afterschool & their favorite clubs for the day. Bringing back a famous game that swept the arcades, it's Just Dance. In Just Dance (taught by our very own Mr. Henry) our friends have been working on choreographing their own dance, as well as learning dance moves from our favorite 2000’s game. When our students aren't dancing then they are creating the next Starry Night for the Museum of Fine Arts in our very own Gallery Guardians club. Mr. Joseph has been showing our friends what art means to them, the power of imagination, and the power of the brush. Their next painting will be brought to The Met, so make sure to keep an eye out. Have you heard the big news? We have made it to the big screen. In CinemaKidz, our students have been taking their time and creating the next big game show. We aren't allowed to release the title yet, but I promise you it is hilarious. Our students have been video editing, screenwriting, and even acting throughout the weeks so far. This is only a brief glimpse of what is going on within our walls of Afterschool. It is always a pleasure to witness our friends enjoying their time together. If they aren't celebrating their new dance routine from Hollywood or exploring the new season approaching then they must be doing their reading logs. Once they finish their reading I can promise you they are enjoying their time in our Kickball Tournament. Some will say this might be the best tournament in the world and others might say that it is better than the World Cup.  All I know is that we might need a few ice packs for the teachers from all of our muscles pulling.

Let's give a warm round of applause to our youngest friends in the Program, Our Pre-K friends. With the new playground done, our friends have been having a superb time being outside and enjoying it. Our friends are always planning activities to do, and making sure to have a fun time in school. With Ms. Jane, Ms. Darly, & Mr. Rodrigo, they have been making homemade slime, making their very own bouncy balls, and having a live performance on the outdoor stage every day. I promise you this is a show you will never forget nor want to miss. I even heard from a bird that even Margot Robbie A.K.A Barbie will be coming to our show. Make sure to purchase tickets and find a “Log” to sit on!

Our 3rd-6th students are settling into their routines now that we have two months of school under our belts. If you were to walk into our study sessions during homework time, you’d think you were walking into the Harvard Library with how hard these students are working to complete their assignments and fill out their reading logs; we couldn’t be more proud of their efforts and dedication to learning. It’s not all serious at Afterschool, though–we have plenty of time to frolic through the falling leaves and swing across the monkey bars on the brand-new and shiny playground! Our Hollywood club is full of budding thespians who can’t wait to put on their end-of-session performance of “A Storybook Knight” for everyone to enjoy. One of our newer clubs, Build Wave, has everyone flexing their creative muscles and using their imaginations to build wave after wave of innovative creations using new materials every time. Some of us are enjoying our “field trips” every week to a place where it’s okay to climb on the walls: MetroRock! (If they’re climbing on the walls at home, they’re “just practicing”, we swear.) Art in Spanish club es muy divertido! Keep your eyes out for the next Pablo Picasso or Frida Kahlo coming out of the West Somerville Neighborhood School.



-Please make sure to join our WSNS Afterschool class on the REMIND APP. Please email me for the code! It is the fastest way to get updates on sudden weather changes and news.

-With the change of weather, make sure to pack a sweater!

-Packing extra clothes for our younger friends in case of an emergency

 Thank you!