Summer Math Boosters

Welcome to the Summer Math Boosters site for Highly Capable math students in Shoreline!  

Students new to the Highly Capable program in Math grades 5 and above will be studying mathematics at a grade level above in the Fall.  Students in grades 1-4 will receive enriched and differentiated math services in their grade-level classroom.

We have created these summer math booster activities to help your child smooth the transition through that "skipped" year of math content.  Students entering grades 1-4 will not need to complete any math boosters, but may enjoy activities in the "Math Games & More" tab.


How To Learn Math: Four Key Messages

(8 min.)

For Parents and Students:

Jo Boaler, a Stanford University Math Professor, shares with families the most recent brain research on the role of growth mindset and motivation on mathematics learning.

Why is Math Different Now?

(9 min.)

For Parents and Students:

Dr. Raj Shah explains the shift from teaching mathematical facts and procedures to teaching mathematical concepts and why this is important for mathematics  learning.

2.  Using the navigation menu at the top of the page entitled "Grade Level Boosters," click on the grade level that your child will be entering in September and follow the instructions on that page.  

3. If your child has completed the Grade Level Booster recommendations, you can find more math games, puzzles, and practice under the "Math Games & More" tab at the top of this page.

4. To learn more about the idea of Growth Mindset or if your student is struggling to stay motivated with math activities during the summer, you can find resources under the "Motivation and Growth Mindset" tab at the top of this page.