Financial Aid

Types of Financial Aid


Loans are funded both privately and by governmental lenders. These need to be payed back.


Scholarships are basically free money for college. These do not need to be payed back but will often have stipulations on what they can be used for and when they will be distributed.


Grants are given based on financial need. These do not need to be payed back.


These are jobs provided by the school you will be attending. They are flexible to work around your class schedule.

The Go-To Guide for College Financial Aid

Black Hills Special Services Cooperative

* Are you interested in and/or planning on attending a post-secondary education training center?

* Are you looking for support and services to assist you in reaching your potential on your journey to a full-time career?

*Have you worked on a farm or ranch in the last two years for earned income wages?

If you answered yes to the above questions, you could be eligible for the National Farmworkers Jobs Program!