WIS Library
social studies resources
This guide will help you to find history and social studies resources through our library book collection, database subscriptions, and online portals.
Resources here support the Hawaii Core Standards for Social Studies (HCSSS), including anchor inquiry standards and the following thematic standards:
Unification of the Hawaiian Kingdom
The Developing Hawaiian Kingdom
The Late Hawaiian Kingdom
Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom
Early Pacific People
Historic Encounters and Exchanges in the Pacific
The Contemporary Pacific
The US Constitution: 1785–1791
Governing Early America: 1787–1837
Native America and Westward Expansion: 1787–1876
Industrial America: 1810–1860
Slavery: 1808–1861
Social Reform Movements: 1800–1860
Civil War: 1861–1865
Reconstruction and the Rise of Jim Crow: 1865–1900
Waipahu Intermediate School Library | 2023-2024 | Questions or Comments? Contact WIS librarian Lori Misaka at Lori.Misaka@k12.hi.us