
Our library has subscriptions to several databases that feature science-related content. These electronic resources are good starting points for inquiry-based projects and discussions. Click on the database name to access the linked site.

Database for scientific journals, magazines, books, and biographies. Click on topic blocks (e.g. Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Space and Astronomy) to browse related resources, or search by keyword such as ecosystems, biodiversity, or energy.

Infobase - Science

Bridges the gap between the science that students learn in the classroom and the discoveries pushing the boundaries of science today.

Presents a broad range of scientific disciplines through extensive essays, videos, diagrams, definitions, biographies, and experiments.

Science teachers, in World Book Online, once you select which product to view (Discover or Student versions), click on Educator Tools at the top right and search for material by content area and grade level to view all the standards-aligned resources, including articles, games, lessons, and media.

Stream and/or download from a premium library of more than 151,000 handpicked videos, video clips, interactives, teacher guides, audio programs, science diagrams, science experiments, timelines, and more. You will see videos and clips from more than 200 producers including History Channel, Bio, National Geographic, HBO, BBC Learning, Sunburst Visual Media, and many others.

Search by grade level, content type, format, and topics in Advanced Search.

Click on the Science content block (pictured at left) on the main page to browse, or search for specific topics. Created specifically for middle school students, Gale In Context: Middle School combines the best of Gale's reference content with age-appropriate videos, newspapers, magazines, primary sources, and much more.

Swank offers legal, convenient access to thousands of feature films, documentaries and foreign films to support classroom instruction. Students, check with your teachers for access. Teachers, if you haven’t set up your account yet, please consult the Teacher Guide emailed to you, or ask the librarian. You can set up Google Classroom to assign videos in Swank as well.

Waipahu Intermediate School Library | SY 2022-2023 | Questions? Contact Librarian Lori Misaka at