
Planning Helpful Hints

Utilize these helpful hints and answer the surveys to the best of your knowledge.  This will help the counselors get an idea of where you are in your post-high school journey.  Please scroll and review your grade level for more information.

*NOTE: All Hawai'i State DOE Public School students must complete their Personal Transition Plan (PTP) in order to graduate from high school on time.  A PTP shall commence with students entering Grade 9 and sections must be completed each grade level until Grade 12. When the student completes the PTP requirements, 0.50 credit shall be awarded to the student.  Click HERE to learn more about General HIDOE PTP Guidelines. 

NHIS Students & Faculty: to review a blank copy of the NHIS PTP Requirements/Expectations, please log into your Hawks account & click here.

This RIASEC is made available through and it is a quick and simple form to get an idea of your preference personality and occupations that may fit your interest.  You can further your knowledge by researching more about the occupations that interest you.

Education Workforce information in the following: Find an occupation, Top 10, 20, 50 100 career opportunities, Career Pathways, Promising Credentials, RIASEC, Match My Skills, Career Clusters Test, Interests to Occupations, Life Styles Survey, Hawaii Industry Sectors, Gap Analysis, Automation

Tutoring service (virtual) for Grades 6-12 in Math, Science, and Writing.
Tutoring service may also be valuable for students working on PTP components.

12th Grade 

You've worked hard during high school, and it’s about to pay off. This is no time to let senior slump take over. From class work to college applications and financial aid forms, you've got a lot to handle - but you can do it!

Tips for the School Year

11th Grade

It’s your junior year, and by now you can probably see the finish line - graduation. Take these next few months very seriously. Get good grades, finalize your college search and do your best on standardized tests, and your senior year could bring some great rewards.

Tips for the school year

9th & 10th Grade

Sustainability and Design & Technology

9th Grade

The beginning of high school is an exciting time. For many of you, it’s a time for adjusting to a new school, making new friends and becoming more independent. It’s also a time to start thinking about life after high school. The sooner you start thinking about what you are interested in doing, the easier your choices will be later on. Here are some things you can start doing to succeed this year.

Tips for the school year

10th Grade

As you settle into high school, it’s a great time for you to take on new challenges. It’s also not too early to explore colleges, college majors and career goals. It’s time to study a little harder, raise your grades and start making a list of colleges you're interested in. You'll also be preparing for, and taking, your first standardized tests. Use the list below to help make your 10th grade year count.

Tips for the school year

7th and 8th Grade