MoHS Google

Can't access MoHS GMail?

These people can help you:

Ms. Oka (Alpha Counselor)
Mrs. Ladao (Alpha Counselor)
Mrs. Yamamoto (Alpha Counselor)
Mrs. Tongg (Alpha Counselor)
Mrs. Rhodes (Outreach Counselor)
Ms. Himuro (College & Career)
Mrs. Apana (College & Career)
Library Staff:
Mrs. Yokota (Librarian)
Mrs. Yonamine (Technology)
Mr. Kiyabu (Technology)
Ms. Morita (Registrar)
CORE 1 teachers
CORE 2 teachers
CORE 3 teachers
Google Admin:
(Using your personal email, click link above if you have an email program installed on your computer.
Otherwise, copy & paste address into a new message)

Account de-activated? All users must have a SIGNED Technology Responsible Use Form on file. Print, sign, and submit (email okay)the LAST PAGE only. The other pages are for your reference. Click here for the TRUF