Purchase game tickets online.

GoFan is the official ticketing platform for the BIIF and HHSAA.  Admission to all Kealakehe High School home athletic events uses GoFan.  We do not accept cash for entry.  To purchase tickets, visit gofan.co or click the GoFan icon.  

Kealakehe High School

*This Week in Sport

We are proud to feature our talented student athletes on our school website! By submitting your school-sponsored sports photos, you agree to allow Kealakehe High School Athletics to use your photos for promotional and informational purposes on our website, social media channels, and other school-related materials. Your dedication and achievements are an important part of our school community, and we appreciate your support in showcasing the spirit and success of our athletic programs. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the use of your photos, please contact out school athletic director.   

Stacy Jones

Athletic Director

808-313-3775 AD Office

808-313-3600  Main Office
