About Holomua


Originally named Ewa II Elementary, then Ewa Gentry Elementary, the name Holomua came from a small group of students, teachers, and parents in February 1995. They all agreed that they wanted a special name based on a belief or an idea. HOLOMUA is Hawaiian for "Moving Forward Toward Success".

Mr. Norman Pang, principal of Holomua Elementary, was chosen to be principal in December, 1994 and officially started in the Fall of 1995. Housed at Ewa Elementary in a small workroom, Holomua School consisted of one person. To help him with his planning of the new school, he chose a small group of teachers, a counselor, specialists, and Leeward District people. Together they worked toward building a dream. Groundbreaking took place in August, 1995. At this time Holomua was a mound of dirt. Over the weeks and months, people worked together and slowly the buildings began to take shape. During this time, the committee worked long hours planning for the school. In March 1996, the faculty was chosen. The new group of teachers worked very hard to get the school ready. Teachers prepared during the summer to be ready for the opening of school. August 1st, 1996 marked opening day. Approximately 450 students with new school supplies and enthusiasm eagerly walked through our doors. Holomua has continued to grow with the community and as each year passes Holomua is still, "Moving Forward Toward Success".