

Technology and materials pickup: 8:00am-2:00pm Monday August 17- Thursday August 20

Statehood Day, no school 8/21

Acellus Orientation Meetings on Google Meets:

  • Monday, August 17th @3pm - led by Miss DeMeter

  • Tuesday, August 18th @6pm - led by Mrs. Paul

  • Thursday, August 20th @10am - led by Mrs. Nelson

*All 3rd Grade Families are welcome to join ANY session.

(updated 8-15-2020)

Month at a glance:

Google Meets schedule

Classes will Virtually Meet on Google Meet every Monday, beginning on August 24th. Blended learners will meet at 8:30am every Monday. Other meetings will be scheduled by homeroom teachers.

Teachers have open office hours for questions and help via telephone and email everyday Monday-Friday.

Please visit the teacher pages for contact information and information specific to your class:

(Eventual) Blended Learners

100% distance learners

Sample Daily Schedule at Home

8:00 am - 8:30 am Eat Breakfast

Studies show breakfast is important for brain function!

8:30 am - 9:00 am Virtual Class Meeting

Check with your teacher for the link and class meeting schedule, this might not be every day!

9:00 am - 9:30 am Acellus Math

Log on to Acellus and complete your daily goal, click on Progress to check to see if you've met your goal for the day. Usually this will take around 20-30 minutes, it depends on how easy or hard the lesson is for you! Let the teacher know if you're struggling.

9:30 am- 9:35 am Bathroom/ Water break

Nature calls! Breaks are good for us and help us focus more effectively!

9:35 am - 10:05 am Acellus Reading

Log on to Acellus and complete your daily goal, click on Progress to check to see if you've met your goal for the day. Usually this will take around 20-30 minutes, it depends on how easy or hard the lesson is for you! Let the teacher know if you're struggling.

10:05 am - 10:25 am 20 minute outside "recess" time

If the weather is okay, head outside for a break. Play with a sibling, or do something you find relaxing such as stretching or breathing!

10:30 am - 10:50 am Acellus Social Studies

Log on to Acellus and complete your daily goal, click on Progress to check to see if you've met your goal for the day. Usually this will take around 15-25 minutes, it depends on how easy or hard the lesson is for you! Let the teacher know if you're struggling.

10:50 am - 11:10 am Acellus Science

Log on to Acellus and complete your daily goal, click on Progress to check to see if you've met your goal for the day. Usually this will take around 15-25 minutes, it depends on how easy or hard the lesson is for you! Let the teacher know if you're struggling.

11:10 am - 12:00 pm Recess & Eat Lunch

Take a nice long break, you've worked hard this morning! Go play outside and make sure you have a good meal and water for lunch!

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Read a book

Find a comfortable place to read and pick up something you love reading and spend at least 30 minutes reading in a quiet place. If you want to read longer that's okay too! If you don't have books at home, contact your teacher about borrowing from school or visit the online resources page to find websites that offer books to read, such as epic!

12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Writing Journal Prompt

Grab your writing journal and choose one of the prompts written inside to complete. If you can't find the prompts, ask your teacher for help.

1:00 pm- 1:10 pm Bathroom/ Water break

Nature calls! Breaks are good for us and help us focus more effectively!

1:10 pm - 2:00 pm Activity time: Art, PE, Music, etc.

Your teacher may have a weekly art project, or other activity for you to complete during this time. If you're not sure what to do, find something you enjoy like drawing or skipping rope, and do that during this time! Or you can always ask your teacher for ideas or visit the resources page for online activities!