Quantum mechanics

Double slit experiment with Schrödinger equation

This double slit experiment was our first numerical experiment in quantum mechanics. The following figures illustrate particle probability density. For details, look at our short presentation.

Fig: Cross section of probability density at z=0. Particle approaches from left and collides wall in the middle. Part of the wave function passes through holes in the wall.

Fig: Cross section of probability density at x=1. This denotes interference pattern on the back wall.

Vortex splitting in Bose-Einstein condensates

To test our simulation scheme, we follow an article and reproduce its numerical simulations. For details, see our presentation and article:

Fig: Evolution of a 10-quantum vortex state.

Fig: Evolution of a 30-quantum vortex state.

We have studied the vortex splitting using 3-dimensional simulations. Now, we know the limitations of 2-dimensional models.

Following animations illustrate the evolution of two-, three-, and four-quantum vortices in cigar-shaped condensates.


More details of simulations and a report of an early stage studies can be found here (in Finnish only).