
Fig: A mesh for a particle cluster simulation. The outer layer include absorbing PML.

Fig: Averaged Muller matrices by number of particles in specific kind of particle cluster.

Electromagnetic scattering from meteor plasma

We combined the Maxwell equations with the Drude model to model scattering from meteor plasma. By using domain decomposition and MPI parallelization, our software proved to be highly competitive in efficiency. Results can be found in

Fig: Distribution of normalized meteor plasma frequency.

Fig: Cross section of electric fields for different peak plasma frequency. The incident wave comes from top of the figure.

Heating process in microwave oven

Purpose of this numerical experiment was to study structured grid refinement procedure. Relative permittivity of water for microwave is about 70. This requires heavy refinement. For details, see our presentation or

Fig: Meshing of a microwave oven with high level refinement of the grid.


Fig: Electric and magnetic fields during first 8 nanoseconds of operation.