A short intro to the site....

Welcome to our website. We have decided to create this space for YOU, our future Year 7 students who will join in September.

Your first day at secondary school is not far away!

Our aim is to post short informational films by teachers and students for you to learn about the school you are joining, for you to feel supported and for you to enjoy watching as the exciting day approaches.

Countdown Calendar

Every week, a new door will appear and, if opened, will have a short film about joining Bishop Justus in September, which we hope you will enjoy.

Dear Students and Parents,

In addition to a weekly video being released for you we would also like the students to work through the weekly PowerPoints and complete the booklet attached.These PowerPoints are to help students on their way to secondary school and are based on the books You Are Awesome by Matthew Syed and Go Big by Matthew Burton. When they start with us in September their booklet will be collected and certificates and achievement points will be handed out.

There are some resources there as well for Parents that can be used throughout their time at secondary school.


Ms Hill

The STUDENT ADVICE ZONE - advice from current Year 7s

A Letter to Year 6s from a Year 7


Dear Year Sixes,

I know these times are awfully difficult and I wanted to congratulate you for being so calm about all the things you are going to miss. I can only imagine how you must be feeling missing out on all the wonderful moments that you should be experiencing in your last few weeks of primary school.

I just wanted to do my bit and (hopefully) reassure you and excite you for starting a new academic life at Bishop Justus in September.

I know that starting a new school seems worrying and scary at first, but I PROMISE you that it’s not at all bad. It’s obviously going to be different, going to an entirely new school where instead of being the oldest you are amongst the youngest, but that shouldn’t stop you from being excited about the transition.

In the few weeks leading up to secondary, you WILL be nervous, and that’s perfectly okay. Everyone is! But if everyone in our Bishop Justus community follows our virtues, you will leave your first day feeling both happy and eager to go back.

When you start, feel free to ask anyone for some advice, whether that’s about where a certain room is or something you’re worried about. Everyone will be happy to help you.

Now, my advice for you at the moment would be...

Don’t worry!

As long as you are yourself, you are kind and you are loving, you will excel at Bishop Justus and there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of!

Isabelle W

Year 7

A short message from a Year 7 student (Daniel)


Top 10 Tips for new year 7s starting secondary school -
Tia P

1) Follow all of the Bishop Justus values in and out of school.

2) Always treat others how you would like to be treated.

3) Whenever there’s a problem, always tell someone even if it is not the teachers. You can speak to your friends or even your parents.

4) Behave your best whether you are in the playground, in the classrooms, in the lunch hall or the corridors and even at home.

5) Always wear the correct uniform.

6) Never talk over the teacher or your school mates; always remember to put your hands up.

7) If you ever need help, never be scared to ask.

8) Whenever you have a question, always ask.

9) Always stick up for yourself and others.

10) Always challenge yourself even if you don’t believe you can do it because you can.

The main reason I chose to do this challenge is because, in September,my brother will be starting as a new year 7 and I will be in year 8.

Fletcher reads his Typical Day

fletcher r.mov

A typical day at Bishop Justus - Fletcher W

A day at Bishop Justus would go like this:

· 8:30 we go to our form rooms

· 9:00 we go to period one. This lesson will go on until 9:50 where you will head to your 2nd period.

· 10:50 you will go to break and spend 20 minutes socialising and eating a snack that can be purchased in the bistro or outdoor café.

· 11:10 you will go to period 3.

· 12:10 will be period 4.

· Then we enter our lunch period from 1pm, which consists of eating and socialising with others.

· And then we go and have our period five at 2:00. After this, if it is Wednesday-Friday, we go for our form dismissal but we don’t do this on Monday and Tuesday.

· After school and at lunch there is homework club.

There are many other clubs such as:

· Gardening

· Drama

· Choir

· Sign language

· Film

... and much more.

In my opinion the best clubs must be the drama, cooking, learning how to do the lighting for shows, film and gardening but these are only my opinion.

There are many things to do at lunch and break such as:

· The outdoor gym

· Football

· Basketball

· Socialising with friends

· Homework club (lunch only)

I hope that you’re no longer nervous and ready to join this amazing school.


A Letter from a Year 7 student to the Year 6 students at their former Primary School

Dear Year 6 students from Farnborough Primary School,

When I think back to this time last year, I was extremely nervous like you probably are, it was so bad that I didn’t even want to go through the doors as I was way too scared. But when I eventually did go in, I was greeted by my very kind form tutor who told me that everything would be okay and that everyone will support me. The staff really helped me and all the other students who were nervous, to settle into their new environment. The staff are so supportive here at Bishop Justus and will always help you if you are going through a difficult time or if you are worried about something and they will be just as kind to you I’m sure.

I understand how strange it must feel to go from a small village primary school to a big secondary school. You might get lost a few times but the staff and students will be around to lead you to the right direction. I also understand that it will be a very different welcoming due to the crisis that is happening around the world at this current day, but the teachers are so kind here and they will do anything to help you out of the way you are feeling.

From showcases to plays, Bishop Justus is filled with different fun activities to do throughout the year; they also have many clubs such as drama club, gardening club and 2 musical theatres! This school is filled with high spirited teachers and students who will never let you down.

It might be hard for some but just remember, stay positive and keep your head high! I’m looking forward to seeing you in September and I hope you have an amazing time at Bishop Justus.

Take care and see you soon.


Top tips for new year 7s

by I.B. (7S)

Hello new year 7s, I hope you are all well. In this guide, I will be sharing my top tips for you, as I know the first year can be a slight struggle.

It will probably be a bit more overwhelming than usual, due to the situation we are facing. However, I hope that these tips take your minds off of things.

1. Don’t change who you are for friends

To make friends is a good and natural part of growing up, however, you should never change who you are as a person or do things that you don’t want to do for them.

I learnt this in many ways. When I acted like myself, some people just didn’t click with me and I felt I had to pretend to like similar things to them or do something for them, just so that they would like me.

However, throughout this year I have found people who have accepted me for me.

These are the best type of friends.

2. Be prepared

I don’t want to sound like a teacher telling you to “have this” and “do that”, but I found that the period I went through of not being prepared or as concentrated, definitely brought me down a little.

During quarantine, I was being more productive, waking up early, snacking less, reading more and overall trying to be calmer and do more of the things I like.

At first, you may be thinking, that sounds a little boring, and that you don't want to do that - and that is what I thought too!

When trying to be more productive it was hard, there were times where I just wanted to curl up in bed and play games all day. But that didn’t get me anywhere.

So next time you are not feeling like you are up for reaching your full potential, just try in small steps to be productive - whether eating healthier, using less electronics, getting more sleep, or re organising your room.

Even drinking more water instead of sugary drinks, will make you feel better.

3. Popularity is not the most important thing

To be part of a large group or in a popular group at school isn’t the most important thing.

If people like you for who you (and only you) are, then you have real friends.

But if you are being someone different to your true self to become part of a particular group, then your friendships will never be true. The most popular children at school do not always become the most successful people when they are adults. No one is perfect. We are all human.

You see, every living thing has its flaws. These flaws make who you are. So be 100% you and embrace every single one of your differences.