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What do I do if I lose my timetable?

Ask your form tutor for the lessons P1 and P2, then see Ms Hill at break time for a new copy

What do I do if I lose my lunch card?

Report it to student reception. If it has not turned up after a few days you need to pay £5 for a new one at student reception

What do I do if my parents cannot access my Wise Pay account?

They will need to send an email to the school admin to receive all of the information.

What do I do if I have lost my planner?

Inform your Form Tutor and check at student reception. If it has not turned up after a few days you need to pay £5 for a new one at student reception.

What do I do if I don’t know my log in details for Show My Homework?

Ask your for form leader.

What do I do if I don’t know the log in details for emails or I have forgotten by password?

Ask your Form Teacher to email IT so they can reset it for you.

What do I do if I need to go to the toilet during the lesson?

Staff will not let you out of the lesson to go to the toilet unless you have a medical pass, which is issued by Ms Phillips. Your parents need to send in a medical letter with the request.

What happens if I get lost?

Staff and students at Bishop Justus are really helpful. Just ask someone. For the first few weeks they will allow you to be a little late due to finding your way around.

What happens if I leave my coat in the bistro?

Generally, it will still be there when you get back. If not go to Student Reception. Make sure it is labelled.

Am I allowed to wear jewellery?

No jewellery is allowed in school, which includes earrings. If you are seen wearing any you will be asked to take it off and it can be taken by the member of staff and collected at the end of the day.

What happens if I lose anything?

You must check at Student Reception and tell your Form Tutor. Label everything as much as you can.

Am I allowed chewing gum?

Chewing gum is not allowed in school, you could be set a detention for chewing gum.

What happens if I don’t hand in my homework?

You could be given another chance to hand it in, otherwise it will be a detention of 20minutes set by the class teacher. This will either be at lunchtime or after school.

Can I have a locker?

There are a limited number of lockers. You can choose one and put your own padlock on it. It is best to have a number combination padlock then a key one.

What happens if I can’t open my locker?

You need to report it to Student Reception. They will then contact the site team who will remove the padlock for you.

What happens if I can’t do PE?

You should always bring your PE kit with you and a note from home explaining why you cannot take part. Generally, you will be asked to do what you can.

Where do I go for lunch?

You can either chose to go to the Bistro, you need to line up with your correct uniform and your lunch card. Or you can go to the Sports Café, which is like a takeway option. If you have packed lunch you can eat it in the Bistro or anywhere outside.

What happens if there is no money on my lunch card?

The first time the staff will allow you to get lunch and then your account will go into a deficit until the money can be put on. We take no cash at school

Am I allowed to eat in the building?

You are not allowed to eat anywhere in the building other than the BISTRO.

Am I allowed fizzy/energy drinks?

No fizzy or energy drinks are allowed in school. If they are seen, they will be confiscated and disposed of.

Am I allowed my mobile phone?

Mobile phones are not allowed to be seen on the school site at any time.
If you are seen using your mobile phone, then it will be taken until the end of the day.
If it is seen twice in a term it will be taken for a week.

If parents need to contact you in an emergency, they can call the school.

Am I allowed in the building at lunchtime?

You are allowed into the building at lunchtime if you have a pass to attend a lunchtime club.

If it is wet outside, you are allowed inside but only on the ground floor.

What time do I need to be in school?

School is open from 7.15am and you can get breakfast from the Bistro from 8am. You must be lined up outside your form room by 8.25am.

What time does school finish?

On Monday and Tuesday school will finish at 3pm, the rest of the week it will be 3.20pm. Leaving at 3pm is a privilege so it can be taken away.

Can I wear my coat around the building?

When entering the building you must start to remove your coat. When traveling between lessons there is no need to put your coat back on as you will not need to leave the building.

What happens if I want to join a club?

Generally, clubs are open to anyone and they are free. You can just turn up at the time and place. If you have any questions you can ask your class teacher for that subject. The only one that is different is the Food Technology club as that has limited numbers, so you need to sign up quickly.

What happens if I don’t feel well during the day?

If you don’t feel well, you need to report to student reception at break or lunchtime. If you become unwell during a lesson, then you must tell the teacher and they can write note to send you to student reception or they may ask another member of staff to speak to you. You should not contact your parents directly.