Dear Parents/Guardians:
Welcome to the Jackson Public Schools' Learning-At-Home Google Site!!
Governor Reeves announced on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 that all school buildings will remain closed for the remainder of the school year; however, learning must still continue. This learning-at-home site is designed to help you keep your child’s learning routines in place. This site contains educational resources, instructional learning packets and instructional videos, in one place, to help make learning at home easier. We hope that you use a mixture of digital and non-digital activities to schedule your child’s day.
Teachers may have also posted teacher-assigned lessons on Canvas and/or Google Classroom. You should have already received text messages and emails from your child’s teacher(s). If not, please email your child’s principal with your updated contact information.
The first instructional packet (Covid-19 Break Packet) is located on the “Parent Resources” tab.
The second packet is the current packet. It will continue to be distributed until Friday, May 8, 2020.
A new instructional packet WILL NOT be given out. Students may take the extended opportunity to work through the lessons that they have received, whether online, in a packet, or assigned by the teacher. Extended at-home activities will be posted on Monday, May 4, 2020 and will last until the end of the school year.
Written assignments and instructional packets will be collected according to the schedule below:
- High School Seniors: May 1st - May 6th at your child's school from 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. (Library books will also be collected.)
- PK - 11th grade: May 18th - May 20th at your child's school from 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. (Library books will also be collected.)
To translate this site, please follow the directions below:
- Click here
- Enter this address: https://sites.google.com/jpsms.org/learning-at-home/ in the left box. This will give you a link. Choose a language from the box above the box on the right. Click on the link in the box on the right.
- This creates a translated link.
- Click the new link. The website and/or page it navigates to will be translated to the language you chose.
Para traducir este sitio, siga las instrucciones a continuación:
- Haga clic aquí
- Ingrese esta dirección: https://sites.google.com/jpsms.org/learning-at-home/ en el cuadro de la izquierda. Esto te damos un enlace. Haga clic en el enlace en el cuadro de la derecha.
- Esto crea un enlace traducido.
- Haz clic en el nuevo enlace. El sitio web o la página a la que navega se traducirá al idioma que elija.
لترجمة هذا الموقع ، يرجى اتباع التوجيهات أدناه:
- انقر هنا
- أدخل هذا العنوان: https://sites.google.com/jpsms.org/learning-at-home/ في المربع الأيسر. هذا سوف يعطيك رابط انقر على الرابط في المربع على اليمين.
- يؤدي هذا إلى إنشاء ارتباط مترجم.
- انقر فوق الارتباط الجديد. سيتم ترجمة موقع الويب و / أو الصفحة التي يتصفحها إلى اللغة التي تختارها.