Federal Programs
Shawn Burns
Title 1 Curriculum Coordinator
Homeless, Family Engagement and Social Studies
318.259.8802 ext 9100
Federal Programs and External Grants
The Federal Programs and External Grants Department is responsible for ensuring that budgets and accounting records are in compliance with federal statutes and regulations, state laws, BESE rules and regulations, Jackson Parish School Board policies and procedures, and the processing of claims for reimbursements in a timely manner.
Title 1
Title I funds of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the largest federally funded educational program authorized by Congress that provides supplemental funds to school districts to meet students' educational goals and needs. The funds are distributed to schools based on qualifying criteria set by the federal and state guidelines with high percentages of students from low income families designed to raise academic achievement and to provide educational enrichment opportunities for all students.
Family Involvement
Family involvement ensures parents the opportunity to participate in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving students' academic learning and other school activities. Orleans Parish School Board believes parents are their children's first teachers and their input is valued in the decision making process.
The McKinney-Vento Act ensures educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness. Families experiencing homelessness will need to complete a Student Residency Questionnaire. Students can be provided assistance with Title I funds in the following areas: transportation, free lunch, and education services.
These funds are for identification and recruitment of every eligible migrant student. Title I, Part C, provides students supplemental funding to support migrant children while their families migrate for work opportunities. During the enrollment process students are screened for migrant qualifications.
Title II
Title II funds have a major emphasis on the importance of teacher quality in improving student achievement. The funds are used to improve teacher and principal quality and to assist schools with building systems of support and capacity.
Title IV
Title IV funds provide students with access to a well-rounded education; support safe and healthy learning environments; and improve the effective use of technology to enhance academic achievement and digital literacy for all students.
Additional Grants
Direct Student Services
Funding to support students in gaining access to academic courses, credentials, and services that are not otherwise available at their schools.
Redesign 1003a
These funds are used to support struggling schools with building high-quality improvement plans to enhance curriculum, teacher effectiveness, and student achievement.