Xavi Caretela

Xavi Caretela was born in Santa Elena, one of the twin towns in the Cayo district. During his high school years, he would question his own existence about life and the world around him. He was not the greatest at expressing himself to others, but eventually he was able to express himself through poetry.


I felt nothing

My eyes looked upon the sky

Everything was slowly moving away

My heart ached, My lungs longed for air

I was in a pool of endless red

The water was warm and calm

The wind flowed coldly through my body

I got no time to watch one more sunset

My eyes could no longer see the world

I saw myself grow and relive every moment again

Was this my last breath?

God forgive the man who pierced my chest

I can slowly hear the siren get closer but

Yes, it seems this is my last breath

Death has hunted me like a lion hunts its prey

And still I feel nothing

As I close my eyes upon the world.


After writing many poems, I can say that this poem struck me the most. I used feelings that I had never used before. Although this event didn’t happen to me, it felt like it was me at that moment. I tried to make the reader feel the same way I did to understand the poem. I did not use many literary devices in this poem, but I did try to use a structure. I think that I was able to convey the idea of ‘death’ or last breath in this poem. . . this is one of my favorite poems.


As the sky begins to be filled with an orange canvas

We sit at the top of the highest peak

The birds all gather together in one tree

You can hear them talk about the little town

All trying to talk but all you hear is a market filled with birds

We chase them away to be at peace

To talk about life at peace

You gather your words

You set the fire

And you light the cigar

“How tedious life is.”

You say

We are just like this cigar

We serve our purpose

And then

We are no longer of need

As the orange canvas disappears from the sky

And the cigar comes to an end

We are still at the highest peak


How tedious our life is.


In this poem, I was trying to convey many things at once, but the most important was the image of the sunset. I was completely astonished with myself because I was able to use a lot of imagery and literary devices. I really enjoyed doing this poem. It seemed very difficult to give a conversation in a poem but it worked out because I limited what was said.