Cynthia Azucena Cruz

Cynthia Azucena Cruz is a young entrepreneur and a professional makeup artist who is always dabbling with the newest fashion styles. She has her own space working from home. Studying at JPII Junior college has allowed her to try her hand at creative writing. Using this medium she has been able to express herself in ways she never thought possible as she incorporates memories from her childhood into her work.

Through the window

Through the window my mom I see

Wearing white garments beautiful and free

I view the sunset and I am sad

When my father visits I feel very glad

Whenever he leaves I am left feeling bad

I feel protected when he comes

I am tired of exploding bombs .

Internally and externally

others can’t see

The tears I hide

That only I feel.


The main point of this poem is to express the sensation of tranquility when my dad comes to visit and the battles I fight inside when he is gone. Both parents are used to represent peaceful places. The window represents the view of the perspective of a child. Exploding bombs is used to express the feelings going off inside that no one can see. Most things here express an emotional battle that neither parent can see. What is left is just an appreciation for what I have and a cry for what no longer is.

This Valentine's

Once upon a time

I went to the store to buy

What is picked out was a tie

All this for a guy

My Valentine.

This valentine's my heart is free.

I don't know how it's going to be.

Things have changed

We have become estranged

This Valentine's,

I may be sleeping or contemplating at school


There is one thing that I fear the most.

To see your face again one day

In the arms of some other girl

You love the most.


The poem is based on a special month, the month of February, which reflects a month of love. The title was given because for Valentine's, things were about to change.