Mountain Creek Middle School
Student Services
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2025-2026 Registration is coming!
It's that time already!!
Starting in January 2025 students will be registering for next school year's classes (2025-2026)!
Counselors will be in current student Language Arts classes to give information and hand out their registration cards. They will also be visiting our Elementary Schools to give information for next year's 7th grade class before having a 7th grade registration night later in the month.
Current 9th graders will register for their high school classes at Herriman High in February/March. More information on that process will be provided at their 10th Grade Orientation.
Students are also welcome to visit the JATC Open house and learn more about the awesome Tech Classes available to our student later in high school.
See dates below.
January 8th & 9th 2025: 9th grade registration (counselors in current 8th grade Language Arts classes)
January 14th 2025: Counselors visit Daybreak Elementary
January 16th 2025: 8th grade registration (counselors in current 7th grade Language Arts classes)
January 23rd 2025: Counselors visit Golden Fields Elementary
January 23rd 2025: Counselors visit Eastlake Elementary
January 23rd 2025: JATC Open House: JATC North and JATC South, 4:00pm to 7:30pm.
January 27th 2025: Counselors visit Aspen Elementary
January 23rd 2025: 7th Grade Registration Night : MCMS, 6:00-7:30pm
February 26th 2025: Herriman High School 10th grade orientation: HHS, 5:00-7:30pm
*dates subject to change
MCMS Reality Town Volunteers Needed!
Thursday March 6th, 2025 : 8am-11am.
We need your help!
We need at least 60 parent/guardian volunteers to assist our students at different booths during Reality Town (including the bank, utilities, insurance, day care, etc.)! If you volunteer your student will get an additional $100 added to their budget, however you do NOT need to have a 9th grade student to volunteer. To volunteer sign up below!
What is Reality Town?
Reality Town is a 9th grade program that teaches our students that grades/decisions count in "real life". Your student will apply for a job based on their GPA. They will receive a month's "salary" and have the opportunity to pay the bills and try to balance the lifestyle they want to have. It is a lot of fun, and a great learning experience.
MCMS Counselors Recognized
Mountain Creek Middle School's counseling team was recognized at the Utah School Counselor's Association (USCA) state-wide Annual Conference in November. The team and individual counselors were nominated for each of USCA's Counselor Awards for 24-25.
Although they did not win it was a great honor to be nominated and recognized in front of our peers in the state!
Program of the Year nominee: Mountain Creek Middle School
School Counselor of the Year nominee: Josh Flores
School Counselor of the Year nominee: David Parker
Rookie of the year nominee: Amy Morris
24-25 Schedule Change Process
**Schedule changes cannot be made to accommodate friends, lunch, or teacher preferences**
Schedule changes are based on academic need and class availability.
All students wanting to request a change will need to meet with their counselor to quickly discuss the schedule change.
Counselors will be available during lunch (in the lunchroom) and after school in Student Services from January 22nd to January 24th, 2025.
Schedule changes cannot be made to accommodate friend, lunch, period, or teacher preferences.
Please contact administration if there is an extreme reason for a change.If the request is appropriate the student will be given a paper Schedule Change Request Form that will need to be signed by their parent/guardian and returned to Student Services by Thursday, January 30th, 2025.
Schedule change requests are not guaranteed. If a change is made it may influence several classes in your schedule including lunch. Please consider all aspects of a schedule before making a request.
Any changes to schedules will be completed in Skyward by the end of the day on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025. You will be notified if a change can or cannot be made. Please be patient and do not complete multiple requests.
After that time, changes will be considered on a case-by-case basis pending a meeting with the student, parent/guardian, teacher, and administration .
Our main priority will be to resolve conflicts and errors in student schedules. (For example: if a student is missing a class in their schedule or if their teacher assignment for a specific class does not remain the same from semester to semester).
We have staffed our school based off of the class requests your students made in the Spring. There is limited mobility for students to change classes that were not requested.
**Schedule changes cannot be made to accommodate friends, lunch, or teacher preferences**
2024-25 Choose Kind Drone Photo!
Thank you SO much to Daybreak legend Jason Yeaman for taking our traditional photo!
2024-25 Registration
Registration for the upcoming school year is in progress.! f you haven't returned your registration card for next year, please turn it in to Student Services ASAP.
Registration cards must be completed by August 20th, 2024.
For any virtual/hybrid options please see information below.
7th Grade Card
Current 6th grade
(2030 Grad)
8th Grade Card
Current 7th grade
(2029 Grad)
9th Grade Card
Current 8th grade
(2028 Grad)
**Registration cards are for MCMS in-person classes only. If you want to do virtual learning or hybrid classes please see information below. **
Virtual Learning
If you are interested in doing any virtual (hybrid or full time) schooling during the 2024-25 school year you must register at the appropriate virtual school through their website below. For more information visit Jordan Virtual Learning Academy's website at
Kings Peak High School (Grade 9-12) -
Kelsey Peak Middle School (Grades 7-8) -
Welcome Additions
Amy Morris
Ms. Morris worked as MCMS' Intern the second half of 23-24. She stepped into some big shoes, and boy did she make them here own. After she graduated she was hired as a full time counselor at Mountain Creek. She will serve with students last name J-P.
Alishia Huefner
Ms. Huefner comes to us after working 9 years as a counselor, most recently at Elk Ridge Middle. We are excited to have her as a moose. Alishia will work with students last name D-I next year.
Team Departures
Becky Hunsaker
We want to thank Becky Hunsaker for her service to the students of Mountain Creek Middle School.
Becky is the 1st ever counselor at Mountain Creek Middle school being hired as the team lead in 2019 when the school was created. She hired the team, created the culture, and made the programs that are MCMS Student Services.
As of January 8th, 2024 Ms. Hunsaker, has left the district to pursue other goals in other states. Lots of big and exciting changes are happening for her. We are very grateful for her commitment to MCMS and her friendship. We’re all so excited for where life is taking her. Never forget Rule # 1…Congrats Bex!
Tricia Hayner
Tricia was hired as the 4th counselor at Mountain Creek in 21-22 and worked with us the past 3 years. She was amazing at creating presentations in a flash, and helping with deep behavioral analysis.
At the end of the school year Tricia will work full time with her new company Honey Beehavior Analysis.
Info about 7th Grade Accelerated Math
Our fantasitc Math teacher Mrs. Jensen shares insight about our Accelerated Math Program:
"Traditionally, Jordan School District has had 7th graders who are advanced in math skip 7th grade math and go directly into 8th honors. However, data shows that when students skip 7th grade math, they end up with some holes in their math understanding when they reach higher grades. For example, 7th grade math really delves into proportional relationships, and students who skip 7th grade math lack a deep understanding of proportions, which can impact their math learning later.
At our school, we chose to implement a new model which allows students to accelerate in math without skipping any math standards. Here (below) is an image which illustrates our model compared to Jordan District's model for acceleration. As you can see, in both models students end up one year ahead in math, taking Secondary 2 in 9th grade instead of 10th grade. However, in our model, students do not miss the 7th grade math standards and therefore have a more complete math education.
Because we are learning all of the 7th grade math standards and half of the 8th grade math standards in one school year, we move at a very fast pace. Even with our fast pace, last year 94% of my accelerated students achieved proficiency on the RISE math test! I feel very confident that this is a more complete way to accelerate in math. Data shows that students in this type of program achieve greater long-term success.
I believe we are the only school in Jordan District which follows this new model. (We are a new school, so we had the flexibility to implement a new program which follows the data, rather than just doing what's always been done). Jordan District's placement test assumes the traditional model because that's what most schools in the district are doing. If you have any further questions, please let me know" - Mrs. Jensen (
School Mission Statement
Preparing students to succeed