TDHH Services

Areas of Focus

Areas commonly addressed by Teachers for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (TDHH) within the school district are: 

Assist in facilitating evaluation services to determine how hearing levels may be impacting a student's learning environment.

Provide feedback about the appropriate placement for students to best meet their needs.

Participate on IEP teams to develop service plans that address a student's learning needs and goals.

Work with Audiology to provide adaptive hearing equipment in the student's classroom(s).

Inservice training/Consultative Services with parents, administrators, and teachers to provide necessary ongoing support with hearing aid equipment as well as accommodations & modifications

Provide pull-out direct services with qualifying students who need adapted curriculum to support receptive & expressive language, auditory listening skills, and ASL instruction.

Monitor progress and provide reports that keep the IEP team (parents included) apprised of a student's advancement or regression in relation to their goals.

Participate in semi-annual parent-teacher conferences.