Ms. Camarota

Contact Info.


Phone: (919) 553-4064, EXT 1595

Twitter: @CamarotaRachel

Clayton High School: Webpage

Something that is VITAL to your success as a student and a human is understanding the people around you (especially your superiors). So this page is where you can understand me, Ms. C, just a little bit more. Hello!

I'm a huge believer in the saying, "Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." So...let me begin by telling you WHY I chose to come back to high school after being in school for 15+ years (and no, I do not have a mental issue as far as I'm aware).

For as long as I can remember, I've loved learning. The fact that our brain can absorb ANY information we want it to is incredible. Want to become a brain surgeon? Sure. Librarian? Go for it. Chef? YES. Our brains can learn, interpret, and create information in millions of ways. Just the fact that you are clicking on this site, reading these words, and understanding what they mean (while probably thinking of 10 other things) is SO COOL. Click here for a book by Ben Carson who really inspired me to become responsible for my learning.

So before I totally nerd out, let's passion for learning is the reason I graduated from Liberty University with a major in English and minor in Nursing. I am naturally good at reading and writing (two things I love) but I also wanted to be challenged, which is why I went with science (something I am not naturally gifted in). I wanted my education to be worth the amount of money and work I was putting into it. I wanted to learn and grow all that I could because that is something nobody can ever take away from me (see giant grin in graduation picture below for proof).

However, my reason for being a teacher goes a bit deeper than my love for learning. I remember very clearly being in high school. I remember my freshman year - walking into a new school, new rooms, new faces, new opportunities. I remember the electricity that pulsed through the air for the first few weeks, the smell of the hallways, the fears I had about this unknown world, and the pressure I felt to succeed. I remember the new paper, friends, fake confidence, mistakes, passions, sports, all of it. I'm not very far removed from being in your shoes and I remember the challenges, betrayals, late nights, stupid decisions, mean teachers, amazing teachers, hard classes, mistakes, failures, fears, doubts, insecurities. High school was hard and let's be real, it can suck sometimes. I get it.

These four years will FLY by and then they will drop you off at the most monumental season of your life, which will determine where you go in the future. So, like, no big deal, no pressure, right? I teach high school so I can help you get through these years, to figure out how to do things the right way, to help young adults become people who are honest, brave, strong, smart, compassionate, understanding, empathetic, intelligent, responsible, and so much more.

That is why I am here. End of story. I do want you to learn as much as possible this year but more than anything, I want you to know someone believes in you, cheers for you, and fights for you. I am on your team. So if something is going on outside of school, come talk to me. If you need help on a Saturday afternoon, email me. If you don't have food, electricity, or someone to talk to, I am here for all of that.

A few fun facts about me:

1. I do LOVE to read anything with words. A few of my favorites: Harry Potter series, Love Does, Hope Heals, Danielle Steele, To Kill A Mockingbird, the Bible, Pride and Prejudice, anything by Jenny Han, Bob Goff, John Green (just to name a few).

2. My favorite color is black, simply because of its simplicity.

3. Iced coffee runs through my veins. Really.

4. I love dancing, laughing, ice cream, and encouraging others. I also enjoy sweaters, cleaning, rap music, my dog, and movies.

5. I have a beautiful, goofy, lovable Great Dane named Kalani - she's incredible.

6. I love interacting with you on Twitter - give me a follow (is that how they say it?) @CamarotaRachel

7. I was a professional writer for Liberty University and the blog site called "The Odyssey". I love to write and I believe that words are extremely powerful.

8. I am Italian and originally from New Jersey (no, I don't know anything about Jersey Shore).

9. I enjoy going to book stores, listening to vinyl, spending time with my family, and reading in my free time.

10. I love Jesus. God, church, and the Bible are all very important to me. They are my foundation.