
Students thoughts on School Lunch/Recess

by Vanessa 

By VanI interviewed 2 Classmates on their different thoughts on school lunch and recess here at Summit Middle School.-Questions-

Results - May

Response: lunch should be longer.

Response: recess should be shorter.

Response: Walking around the track.

Response: Spicy chicken sandwich meal.

Response: The cafeteria food.

In conclusion, the common results provided after the interviews say that students' lunch periods should be longer than they are currently.

I think kids should get to choose what community they are in.

By: Beckam Veigel

       I think the kids in school should pick what community they get to be in. Because most kids do not like school and if they are not in a class with their friends they will not like school even worse. But if the kids are with their friends they might like school and they will have fun. It is easier to learn when you are having a good day. But if you have no friends in your class you would become bored. 

Why we should have longer recess 

By An

We should be able to go outside and have recess 5 minutes before lunch normally ends. We should have this so games could be longer and if you do it, it doesn’t affect lunch because you could still stay in the lunch room for the whole time until you have to line up. Longer recess is also more healthy for kids because they can have more exercise and it is also good for teachers because they could grade your work and. They could get more of their work done too.


- By May Thant

School should not start this early. For many years, students all around the world have complained about the school timing, there have been BILLIONS of documents,newspapers,articles on why starting school later is beneficial and more efficient. Notice how students every morning complain and some of them get scolded for falling asleep in class? That’s because of school timing. If you ask a student if they would prefer school to start early but leave early or start late and leave late, 97% of students will pick the second option. Most schools start at 7am but schools that don't (mostly elementary schools) have better academic rates because its better getting full sleep especially for children through middle school to high school needs it. Schools that start at 9am-11am have better academic rates because students actually have the energy to participate. The effects of school starting early is worse for the school, not enough sleep leads to not being able to focus on work, forgetting work because of how tired they are, not being able to stay awake to take in new information, and work slower. Sleep is extremely important to the human brain, before you say “just sleep earlier” you don’t know what people are going through, schools give them hours worth of work to turn in at night making students stay up late just to complete their assignments and make time for their life at the same time. Students are overworked for 14+ years and people still expect them to go to college, this is why most students end up not going to a good college or are dropouts because school drains their mental health. Adults still wonder why students hate/skip school, school nowadays means that you have overwork your body just so you learn something you probably won’t even use in real life. These people have to go to school for 7+ hours  every 5 days for 9+months only getting a 2 day break (excluding  the holidays) also, summer break is only 2 months, spring break is a week, and winter break is only 11 days. Adults always complain students are “lazy” or “not working hard enough” maybe consider that they’re trying their best. This is why school should start later.

Why phones should be allowed out at lunch.

By: Elsa Clarke

Why phones should be allowed at lunch,

It wouldn’t affect anything! Everyone would still be eating lunch and if anything we would actually be more calm.

       Sure there can be some negative things  including it would be loud if EVERYONE was using their phones or watching TikTok ….

     Kids would be a lot more happy, they wouldn’t get as mad + most people have phones. And if they don’t one of their friends would Probably let them watch or play a game with them.

That is why phones should be allowed at lunch.

Thank you for reading, Hopefully you consider this idea.

The Iowa Cyclones Are Better Than The Hawkeyes Because…


The IA Cyclones beat The Hawkeye 23-47 times in football games and overall are better than The Hawkeyes and here are 3 reasons on why The Cyclones are better than The Hawkeyes.