
 Ms.Stofer Spotlight

      By Eva


                  Do you know the teacher Ms.Stofer? Well if you don’t, why not read a little about her. Ms.Stofer is a Language arts and Social Studies teacher, and she teaches two classes. She is an amazing teacher, and I hope everyone enjoys having her! However, I wonder what job Ms.Stofer would pick if she could have any job, also if she could teach any grade what would it be, as well as what is your favorite 

community (journey, expedition, adventure, etc…), although, I have heard that when Ms.Sofer was a kid, she always loved to travel and wanted to be a National Geographic photographer. But when she got older she became a teacher and has taught everything from preschool to 6th Grade, however, she enjoys teaching higher level content, including that she likes teaching 6th Grade the most. Also, she enjoys teaching Expedition the most! I also wonder if she would rather have a 4 day school week but a shorter summer break, or if she prefers how it is already, and lastly if she could live anywhere where would she live. I’ve also heard that Ms.Stofer would rather keep it as a 4 day school week and more breaks throughout the school year. Also, Ms.Stofer told me that if she could live anywhere, she would have a few houses, or in Iowa because her family lives here, one in Shanghai because its the most vibrant and fun city, and one in Okinawa because she loves the slower paced and healthy way of island life. However, those are just a few questions, I’m sure if you have more, she will kindly answer your questions!

STOP Bullying

By Norma 

First to prevent school bullying from happening you need to recognize the problem then you need to notice what's happening. Then after that go get a teacher. Don't just get into the problem otherwise you could get into that problem then you could get bullied along with that person.



I will be giving news about the school if something happens or some random news that the school will be telling us at mail or in person will be giving updates week by week a few may be important and few may not be that important like for now they’re starting a warrior book club it has just started 2 days ago (October 4)  6th and 7th welcomed. Team Mission/ room 125, Every other Wednesday from 2:50-3:30.

This group will talk about the Warrior series books and do activities around them

so that’s one of the news that I will be giving out this week. (will be doing it every P5A) 

Hello, today isn’t really news and everyone should know about it, it is Wednesday A Day. We did not have school on Monday due to Columbus Day. You can sign up for girl wrestling only for girls of course 7-12th grade so no 6th grader maybe next year lol! There is also a football game at JHS, probably card or online only. That’s it for todaye

Today you will get a email about expectations for the football game the theme at the game is all pink if you are going

<Let’s interview>


by Hunter

>1,What is your job here?                                                                                         

I am a sixth grade teacher! I teach literacy and social studies.

>2,If it was your choice what subject would you like to teach?                                 

Social studies! I love history!

>3,What's you favorite color ?                                                                                   

Pink or yellow!

>4,Do you like to read?                                                                                             

Yes, I love to read! My favorite book is The One and Only Ivan!

>5,Do you have siblings? If so, how many do you have and are you the oldest youngest? 

I do have siblings! I have two younger brothers and one older sister!

   The Wonderful Game of Chess

by Liev A.

Chess. A game of over 2,000 years old. And somehow… There are only 605 million players?! Come on! If you learn to play chess, its actually fun! Beating people feels great! If you learn chess, good job. You’re smart if you know how to play chess. 100% no cap. But let’s get serious… Chess is America’s No. 1 board game. So if you play, you’re No. 1! Chess has so much history that I can’t fit into this newspaper so I won’t tell you about it. Because I’m lazy. But still. Play chess. Every Tuesday I there is chess club in Mr. O’briens room. 2:50-3:30, I should mention. Oh! And I thought I should include some fun facts about this game of wonder!


Have a good day, fellow earthlings!

Teacher spotlight Mr. Danner!!

By Owen

Interviewing teachers about themselves and Summit 

The first teacher I have interviewed is Mr. Danner 

When asked these questions these were his answers!

1. What is your favorite thing about Summit?  The Staff!!

2.  If you could go to any country, what would it be?  I’d stay right here in the good ‘ol U.S.A.

3.  What is your favorite car?  Honda MiniVan

4.  What is your favorite book?  The Bible

5.  What is your favorite food?  Pizza


By: Sanda

Are you in the garden club? If not, that’s okay. But Mrs. Barlow is the leader there. They did a lot of good things, for example they donated to the Johnston partnership. Did you know that they have more than 700 pounds of vegetables?! That’s crazy. They have a lot of responsibilities, like watering the plants, making sure they get enough water, and picking the vegetables when they're ready. They meet once a week on Thursdays so they can stay busy!

by Parker M.