
Longer Passing Periods

by Mickey G.

  I think we need 5 minutes passing because I feel rushed.  Three minutes is not enough time to use the bathroom before class or  talk to people for like 1 minute.  We even need a little time to sleep.   The teachers also have a lot of things on their minds and after each class they have to teach the same thing like 5 times. That is why they need a couple minutes to themselves and we do too.

Should mission 1 and 2 eat lunch together?


Do you think mission 1 and 2 should eat lunch together?  Why or why not? 

Student 1 : Yes I think we should because then we can see our friends in mission 1. 

Student 2 : I don’t care because it doesn’t make a difference to me.

Student 3 : Yes so then the lunches will be easier and fun.

Many people think yes because it will make lunch more fun and we can see our friends. Some people have other options or just don’t care. I don't really care if it doesn't make that big of a difference but then we would be ables to see our friends.

Autumn Is The Best Season

by Elly

I strongly believe that Autumn is the best season. Autumn’s weather is beautiful.It is sweater weather, not too hot, not too cold. It’s just right. Although Autumn has some misfortunes like being the shortest season, I have absolutely NEVER met anyone that has disliked fall. Some might think, what about spring? It has similar features as fall. Yeah, you’re kind of right, and kind of wrong. Spring has more warm temperatures, fall has colder temperatures. Spring quickly begins to feel like summer, nobody likes being hot, humid, and sticky. I know I’m not the only one with a strong opinion about Autumn. If you search on Google, 41% in America prefer Fall over other seasons. 

Why We Should Stop Talking About Champs Expectations 

By Imani Williams

I think the school should stop talking about Champs expectations. I think this because I don’t think they actually help people stop acting the way they do. Champs is just something that takes up time. I think they just have it there just to tell certain students to stop acting the way they do, but in the end people still act the same.

Hallway expectations aren’t necessary because people still act the same with or without teachers around. People still yell, people still act a fool in the halls so what’s even the point of having hallway expectations.

Lunchroom expectations don’t make any sense. If you have at least 50 kids in the lunchroom you can’t expect all of them to be quiet. And I don’t see why we have to stay at the same table that we sat at. I understand that you will have to clean more tables but in the end you’re going to reclean the same tables all day so just let people sit where they want to. And if the seats they sat at are where they weren’t eating food then there isn’t anything to clean so just let them move if they want to.

Recess expectations of huddling in large groups is weird because why does it matter? It’s just a big group of people and it's not like it would be the first time the people have huddled up in large groups. This may be besides the point but what microphone?