
ELP Showcase

By Dean Hukarevic


The ELP students are having a showcase on their projects they have worked on all year. They showcase at different times during the day. Students can get people to RSVP to the showcase like parents, siblings, grandparents and real world experts.

Some students can get real world experts depending on their projects. After this showcase is over any students in humanity ELP that don't have STEM ELP will be put into summit strong.

I chose the Writers Workshop section which is writing stories or books. You have the choice to do it with a partner as well. The other section is Greater Good, you write about a topic like who is the GOAT of basketball or puppy mills.

My topic is a story about a boy named Jaxon Smith that meets an old wizard that says he knows where his dad that’s been missing for 5 years. Mr. Talon the wizard gives Jaxon a list of things to find and Jaxon goes on an adventure.

        Book fair money

By Elijah

 The book fair at Summit made $1,300$that is about 25% of the total price of the book fair.  Ms, McAlister is planning to get new mangas for the library. Some of the books are Pokémon, Dragon ball, Splatoon, Yotsuba and some others book series.

Ms.McAlister also got some prizes for kids in the school for contests like where you guess the number of whatever in the jar.  She is buying button parts for kids to be able to use the button maker.