
School dance teams!!

By: Kaylee Pintor

Today I am talking about school dance teams. I was  wondering why they don’t have dance teams for young ages. We are at the Summit middle school, and they don’t have a dance team. We only have a dance team for 8th and 9th graders and also at the high school.We should have a dance team for elementary and summit middle school.

Another thing about the dance team is that elementary and summit middle school should be just for fun. Then when you get older into the other middle school  and the high school , you should have to try out for the team, but not for elementary. Again elementary should just be for fun.


By Alejandro

I think Batman is the best hero because he has the best movies that have a lot of action. In my opinion Batman can beat spiderman because Batman has lots of sharp weapons that can just break the webs such as knives or bombs and a lot of other weapons.

But his backstory is one of the best in my opinion, but when I first watched Batman and heard the back story I was shocked at what happened to his parents. It was kind of crazy how he grew up with Walter. Also Batman is just him, but that is all for today.

Phones should be allowed at school

By: Shalom vula

I think that phones should be allowed at school. One reason why I believe that phones should be allowed at school is because if there is an emergency you should be able to text your parents. Another reason is because if you feel sick, you can tell your parents if you need to go home. Lastly, phones should be allowed because if you forget something at home you can text someone so they can drop it off at school.

Is Bread Good 

By Brayden

In my opinion, I think bread is super good because of the variety. My favorite bread is garlic bread, my friends favorite bread is baguette, my editor's favorite is white bread, my teammates favorite bread is Roseberry, my other team members favorite bread is Hawaiian roll. Bread is really good. That's my opinion. And there are more than 100 kinds of bread. A kind for each kind of person. too much bread, and I can’t eat it all. About 80% of people around the world eat bread daily.

Summit Should Have Better School Lunch

By Vanessa

I think that Summit should have better school lunches. Most lunch that is served at Summit is always lukewarm no matter what is being served. The waffles are always dry and crusty, and the rice in the mandarin orange chicken is usually soggy. I think that summit could improve the quality of not only the nachos, but pretty much all of the lunches that are served at summit middle school.

Johnston school dress code

By Eva

The Johnston school dress code has many different rules and expectations, I agree with them. The dress code mainly includes no harassment and inappropriate clothing, but it also includes the kids having nice and non-ripped clothing. This is important because the students attending Johnston schools should have nice, fitting clothing. A child with ripped or very dirty clothing could be in different situations at home, and should be talked to. However, there is also a part about having appropriate clothing on. A child should NOT be showing too much skin around their regions, and should be told to change immediately. However, some dress codes can be unfair and too strict, luckily, the Johnston school district is fair with their rules.

              My opinion on school food.

By Zac

My opinion on school food is that it should be better, and a little higher quality food. I also think that there should be more options every week. I also think that we should have a longer lunch. Some of the bad food in my opinion is the chicken nuggets, nachos, cheesy dragon bread, chicken corn dog and the Pull-Aparts Italian Cheese & Garlic and a lot more so that’s why i think the school food should be better.


                                             Not johnstons school food.                                                                                          

We should get out of school at 2:15

By; Parker McAdam

     We should get out of school at 2:15pm, First, because I think everyone will enjoy getting out a little earlier, because a majority of the day is boring to me and maybe more people. Having a schedule change will be fun to agust to because of the time loss. Secondly, Every class instead of one hour will be like 55 minutes per class with the same classes. My third reason is, When we get home we will have more time to spend together with our friends and family.