
Why we should have bathroom passes

by Exodus P

1. What if someone had an emergency twice and they don’t let us go

2. it’s only two more passes it’s not that many passes if you think about it

3. it would be better if everyone had 5 bathroom passes

4. I think everyone would be happy if they had 2 more passes

We should be able to play flag football at recess 

by Xander

We should be able to play flag football during recess because touch football is not reliable as flag football. Flag football you can not cheat. Touch football you can cheat by saying that they didn’t touch them with two hands.

An Opinion on Lunch

by Ryatt

My opinion is the lunch is good. I am glad they cook for us. I like the different choices they give us. And they give us a lot of food. They have snacks that you can get.  And you can sit where you want at lunch. You can talk to your friends at lunch. The sits are cool.

No pay lunch

By: Odin johanik

We should be able to have free lunch.

Why I say this is because I may run out of money and then I’m not able to have lunch and the school is forced to have to feed the kids or it gets fined or worse. 

See this why we need no pay for lunch all it does is cause trouble.

vending machines

by An D.

The school should have a vending machine in each community. Kids who are not able to go to Mrs. Andrison nor have brought  a snack to school incase of starving, having a chance to eat. If the school have enough for 3D printers in stem, the school will be able to afford each vending machines in the communities.

Lunch Opinions 

by Desire M.

The reason I feel like we should be able to pick a food to eat for lunch is because a lot of students love other food and may not like food that the school provides plus a lot of people waste the food. But if we have food we’re comfortable with, we won't waste food and we will be able to be healthy and actually enjoy the fresh food. We should also be allowed to eat outside because more people might enjoy eating outside and more people tend to socialize more while outside in nice weather.

School Lunch Thoughts with Imani

by Elijah

Imani thinks that we should expand the food options for the lunch menu because there is always something repeating on the menu like pizza.Another idea from Imani is that we should be able to move seats if we choose because sometimes you want to sit with some of your friends and sometimes you want to sit with your other friend or sometimes people make you uncomfortable and you want to move away from them.Imani has another option, and that is she thinks that we should not have a seating chart at lunch because it is unnecessary because we are just going to sit with are friends.She also thinks that we should have more food options because some people don’t like the options that day and still have to get something and they might not eat anything because they don’t like anything and then they will be hungry for the whole day.