
Summit Bathrooms

By Nico

Summit bathrooms, the place where the magic happens. And 97% of the time, it isn’t good magic. I had a lot of bad experiences walking into summit bathrooms. One time, there was a huge mess in there. There would be a tile in the roof missing, and drawings on the walls. 

It is ridiculous that 11 - 14 year olds would literally break the urinals and clog the toilets. I also saw some kids taking pictures of other kids in the stalls. I’m only 11, and I think kids 10 years ago wouldn’t be doing this weird stuff in a school bathroom.

I think that the bathrooms should be checked more often, and maybe taken more seriously. If it is such a problem that URINALS are being ripped off the walls I have no CLUE why nobody has stood up to this. This is my experience in the boys bathroom of Summit. There are probably so many more wrong things that has happened in the Summit bathroom before, and maybe even more wrong things will happen in the future.

I think teachers and other administrators should write down the names of kids to go to the bathroom at the time they go, so kids who wreak havoc in the bathroom will get caught. 

How? If the time of when a tile is broken in the roof of the bathroom or something like that, a camera could catch them walk out of the restroom at the time of when it happened. And the kid who went there at the time of their entering would be caught because a teacher most likely wrote their name and the time of when they let the student go to the restroom. There is already a camera on the outside of the bathroom, so we just need teachers to write down the name and time of the kids who go. Then, when they are caught, they have to pay for the damage. But, they should check whether or not there were more kids in the restroom, either some kid might be wrongly accused. I am sure that this will help with kids destroying the bathroom, and I hope it would help out the janitors and custodians.


By Larry P.

Will said that he wishes we had longer lunch and that we need better food. Also we need more free seating and no money for lunch. It is annoying when we can’t eat lunch. But the only way to make this possible is to ask the principal and then she asks the owner of Johnson schools to change this order. Hopefully they do or at least try to do something about doubt they will though.

Why school recess should be longer

By Blake

 Have you ever wondered why recess is so short? I think that recess should be longer because I think that we do not get any time to engage with are friends.We get physical activity outside and we are in school learning all day and I think that I should be at least 20-30 minutes. Because it can help reduce anxiety, depression and stress levels and make us more likely to behave well in class. It is also important to talk to friends and have a break for learning. It makes kids happy because of recess. That’s why I think recess should be longer. That is my reasoning why recess should be longer.

Help clean the bathrooms 

By Jacob G.

One  way we can all help to clean the bathroom is to stop vandalizing the school's bathroom. Make sure you throw your paper towels away to keep it clean.

I think the staff will have an easier  time cleaning. The bathrooms like lunch bathrooms are getting vandalized and trashed so much that they close them down.

What is one way you can help?

School Food Needs to Change 

 By: Adrian Flores

    School food is trash in my opinion because it tastes gross. Some of the food options are stuffed crust cheese pizza and a taco, macaroni and cheese or chicken leg mandarin orange chicken and rice. The taco is not cooked and the rice is dry and not seasoned. A solution would be to report the food to your parents so that the school can be sued. I can also bring my own lunch from home or I could talk to the       principal. In my opinion school lunch is nasty and tastes gross. 

Am going to be telling you about why we need to clean bathrooms

By Jamex

The first one is Bacteria and viruses that can live in your bathroom and if it’s in there the bacteria can get in your body and get you sick to probably get infected or get killed.

Next you can have Cockroaches everywhere in the bathroom and which cockroaches have something that can kill your insides of your body.


By Tatiana

This is my opinion on school vending machines across the world.

I feel as if we should be able to use vending machines, all schools should have a vending option. because if somebody’s on an empty stomach they might not wanna eat then teachers get mad over that. Another thing why not just make a healthy vending machine if you're so mad over junk food and chips. And I’m sure it’s reasonable to make the decision that healthy vending machines should be placed throughout the school and it’s not junk food to get them sugared up. And it’s proven you should have at least one snack, and one vending machine. In conclusion, all schools should at least have 1 vending machine, which will be open for the full eight hours.

I notice how healthy options are expensive because they’re natural but, if you can’t pay for healthy vending you can’t pay for a healthy lunch. So I’m guessing most schools that don’t have healthy vending, don’t have healthy meals. That means their meals aren’t balanced. They need a balanced meal so why not buy a vending machine with healthy products.

My opinion is to improve more kid happy lunches at schools.

By Tay

I think kids should be happy every time they go to lunch, like when I go to lunch I see some people that are mad or annoyed about the lunch. So I think schools should put out a survey or vote and all the kids should type their ideas of what they want at lunch and what they don’t want and don’t like. Kids should put some fruits that they want to eat in their lunch. I think some days they should give us a free juice box like they do with cookies.

Why there should be a school

 vending machine

by Eli H.

Reasons I think there should be a vending machine in the school is when it’s lunch and you’re still hungry, you could go to the vending machine and get a snack there to fill you up.Another reason why is when your on break and have nothing to do,you can ask the teacher to go down to the vending machine and get a snack.Snacks are good for working because when you’re feeling hungry, you can get a snack so you can focus more and not worrying about how hungry you are.It can also help you if you're feeling low energy.It’s a good way to snack while your working at the same time.