
🎥Film club🎬

By Elliot Shoop 

     Started by Elliot Shoop, Collins Dean, and Odin Johanik. It is a new club for making films for the school, typically on FlipaClip. Now we’re working on our first feature film. “ I can’t get into detail or they’ll kill me”. But do not ask to sign up yet. The sponsor teacher “ Mr Bucan” will be a while before we start , so I expect to start in two. Months, maybe.

Interview with Elliot Shoop - co-founder

 and director of a new film project.

“I’m really excited about how it is turning out, I’ve always wanted to make an adaptation of this story, and we’ve been hard at work



Fun fact: this is an ad, why are you reading this?

Film first look

Behavioral Issues at Summit Middle.

By: Elizabeth C.

In most classes I’ve been in, the teacher has had to snap at students to behave. I interviewed Mrs. McAlister, the librarian and media literacy teacher.

Me: Have you had any disruptive students in your classes?

Mrs McAlister: Yes.

Me: Have you had to send any students to the office?

Mrs McAlister: Yes.

Me: What is your opinion on student behaviors in our school?

Mrs McAlister: We are seeing more students misbehaving in class.

Me: What do you think would help student behavior issues?

Mrs McAlister: More clear expectations and consequences.

So, it is now VERY obvious that our school needs to start at least trying to change student behavior.

Also, teachers are not paid enough to deal with disruptive students.

They should not have to do this. ⬆️

Welcome to the school news I’m gonna be talking about the school and what happened or what’s going to happen.

by Levi H.

Here at sms do you wonder what the swimming cycle is well the swimming cycle go every three weeks like let’s say Mr Pottof is going well in the next three weeks then Mr Pottof will go again now that’s what the swimming cycle will be.

Now let’s talk about the future plans about school, people might be wondering when do we switch specials well according to my calculation that you will switch in feb 22 ( this was an estimate).

What is Python and why you should learn it…

By Jackson

Python is a beginner friendly programming language. It has an English like interface and is one of the easiest coding languages to learn. Python is the 2nd most popular programming language in the world. One of the differences between Scratch and Python is you are able to get a job coding with python where scratch is more like an introduction to coding. If you use Scratch or have any interest in coding, give Python a try!

The Summit Pool

By Avery


The  reason why we have a pool is because people can learn how to swim and we can have a lot of fun lotta activities we could do in the pool and the teachers will help you learn how to swim 


You’re probably wondering why it is so important to swim. It is because if you fall into a deep lake you could just save yourself because you know how to swim or are fine in a Friends pool and you don’t know how to swim it’s OK because you know how to swim.


Bad thing from the pool: someone can die in the pool but that will never happen because the teacher will watch you like a bird nest where you are going to 12 feet or the people you have to do the The test will be able to go to the deep end.

Swimming Interview

by Mya

Click here to watch the interview!