
The Johnson Creek 4K Program follows the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) and National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)  Guidelines. The Guiding Principles of WMELS provide common language for all those who care about young children and their families.  They offer a guide for developmentally appropriate expectations that support the health and development of young children to help them be successful at home, in early childhood settings and in the community. 

Research shows that play in early childhood is the best foundation for success in school. Play develops many pre-academic skills that are necessary for children to learn. Play also develops school readiness skills such as following directions, listening, problem solving, and interacting with peers. With play experiences, children are exposed to an educationally rich environment. Children are provided opportunities for dialogue, learning through social interaction, dramatic play, listening to stories, technology use, writing and so much more. A play-based environment allows children to develop at their own rate. Teachers are able to differentiate instruction to meet the various needs of their learners.

Social/Emotional Development: We will be focusing on children interacting positively in work and play. This includes such things as: solving problems using words rather than aggression, following classroom rules/routines, showing respect for others, identifying emotions, and developing friendships with peers. We use “Zones of Regulation” with students to help identify emotions and label our feelings. 

Physical Development: Students will strengthen both fine and gross motor skills. Our fine motor activities will consist of scissor, pencil, and crayon control. Students will have the opportunity to play outside when weather permits to work on running, climbing, jumping, and core muscle movement. 

Cognition and General Knowledge: Students will be exposed to: counting, numbers, shapes and patterns. We use “Jolly Phonics” for letter sounds and identification and “Handwriting without Tears” for letter formation and writing exposure. Students also will use the “Heggerty” curriculum for phonological awareness. 

Language Development and Communication: Students will be exposed to: book handling skills, rhyming, letter identification, letter sounds, and name writing. We will also work on listening and communicating with others.

The WI Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) specify developmental expectations for children from birth through the entrance to 1st grade.