
從空中看舊館~就像在田野中的一顆寶石..有許多的校友在這片大地成長茁壯..鄰近的企業有允強實業..金瑛發機械..員村企業..東鄉食品..世發橡膠..公家機關有衛服部立醫院..舊館派出所..消防局埔心分隊..學區有四個村落..有舊館村..新館村..南館村..芎蕉村...這片大地是所有舊館學子的孕育搖籃....希望想認識舊館的人, 可以透過飛翔, 深刻體驗...


About Jiou Guan 舊館簡介

•Jiou Guan Elementary School is located in Changhua County, the west-central part of Taiwan, and is right next to the highway. In the early time, agriculture was the key development in this area. However, thanks to the convenient transport network, it becomes much easier to connect with other areas, making the development of this area to transform into small and medium business.

•l 舊館國小位於台灣島西半部平原中部地區的彰化縣埔心鄉, 鄰近一號國道的員林溪湖交流道, 是台灣早期農業發展重鎮,後來因為交通便利,逐漸轉型發展為中小企業工廠區的一個代表性地區。

•The 75% of the students comes from local community, and the rest are the new immigrants from China and Vietnam, which accounts for around 25%. In addition, among all the students, there are around 35% students from social vulnerable groups, including grandparent raising, single parent or low incomes families. Due to these situations, we devoted ourselves to teaching them more about culture differences and multi-learning activities to improve their abilities.


•Jiou Guan Elementary is also a school with a long history. We just celebrated our 100th birthday on May 1st this year, year of 2016. In the meantime, we built up 3E course, which was Ecology, Energy, Exist and designed many creative activities like Study Corner. Besides basic curriculums, we involved lots of new elements into students’ learning environment, including environmental ecology, morality education, energy-tech education and international thoughts.

•l 舊館國小在台灣是一所歷史悠久的學校, 2016.05.01剛舉辦了100周年的校慶, 同時這幾年學校以環境教育 (三生課程—生態、生產、生活) 為本位課程, 我們建置了許多創新課程學習角。除了以國家基本的課程綱要增加學生的學習效能以外, 更注入許多新元素 (環境生態、品德、能源科技教育以及國際教育…等) 來強化學生的多元學習。

訪視資料 :





•今年度學校是否有建構或重大修繕校園的工程進行過:是 耐震補強工程(預計107年1月施工)






100週年校慶之後 我們學校的願景 是自信 熱情 群智 挑戰, slogan 是以和為貴,以德為尊!以百年老榕樹為背景, 舊哥館妹為代表性的吉祥物,象徵與大自然的融合,以及人與自然、人與社會、人與人的和諧發展!
