
Expressions - lesson 5

Lesson goal: At the end of the lesson I can memorise the expressions.

What to do?

Lesson 5 is a speaking lesson. On this page, you can find what you should learn for studybox 5.

Follow the steps below in order to finish lesson 5.

Step 1

First, you will learn the expressions on Quizlet.

So, make the Quizlet below. First, you need to click on the two arrows in order to flip the cards, so it is displayed correctly. You can adjust the settings by clicking on the menu in the right corner, just at the bottom. It is automatically set to "kaarten". You may adjust it to "leren" or "toetsen". Good luck!

Quizlet: Expressions Unit 7 SB 5.1 - 5.2

Quizlet: Expressions Unit 7 SB 5.3-5.4

Step 2

Secondly, write down on a paper when you use each expression.

For example:

  • "How do you feel?" --> give a few examples of how you feel.

When you are done...

When you are done, you have got three options to choose from. Click on the option that suits you best.

Word trainer

Do you want to practise the words other than Quizlet? You can use your book, or go to the online word trainer in "All Right".


Do you want to practise the words even better? You can continue using Quizlet. Try other methods besides "kaarten"!


Do you want to practise reading? Go to readtheory and make some quizzes. Click on the button below in order to get there!

You have finished lesson 5!

Let's check if we have achieved our goal!

The goal, as stated above is: "At the end of the lesson I can use the words of studybox 5 in context."

How to check the goal:

Write down a little conversation and use five expressions in it.