Grammar - lesson 4

Grammar - lesson 4

Lesson goal 4.1: At the end of the lesson I know how and when I can use can, could, be able & be allowed to

Lesson goal 4.2: At the end of this lesson I know how and when to use have to , should & must

Can / Could / Be Able to

Can: als iets KAN - MAG - MOGELIJK IS

Coul: De verledentijd van CAN, een beleefde vorm als je iets vraagt

Be able to: KUNNEN (In staat zijn om iets te doen)

Be allowed to

Be allowed to: TOESTEMMING HEBBEN (het is toegestaan)

Have to - Should - Must = MOET


e.g. You have to listen to your teacher.


e.g. You should go to a doctor.

MUST: Bij regeles of verplichtingen

e.g. You must go to a doctor NOW!!!!!

You have finished lesson 4!

Let's check if we have achieved our goal!

The goal, as stated above is:

Lesson goal 4.1: At the end of the lesson I know how and when I can use can, could, be able & be allowed to

Lesson goal 4.2: At the end of this lesson I know how and when to use have to , should & must

How to check the goal:

  • Make exercises about the grammar 4.1 & 4.2. Use the button at the bottom of the page, here you can find a mix of exercises about the modal verbs

If you have managed to do so, then you have achieved your goal!