heritage monument preservation

JET USA and JET India both have recently undertaken a new fund raising and awareness program called Heritage Monument Preservation program. Under this program our acharya His Holiness Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji reviews the various preservation and restoration projects of certain villages and temples that are not only of importance to our Vedic cultural heritage but also those in need of improving basic living conditions of the people in the villages. Once a project is approved the necessary funds needed are raised and appropriately allocated to them through the Vikasa Tarangini chapters in India.

Kanchipuram Matam project

Urgent funds are needed to help improve the dilapidated state of the Sri Va:di Ke:sari Azhagiya Manavala Jeeyar Matam. The projects includes weather proofing, fixing leaking walls and roofs, kitchen work and rain water harvesting. The project is approved by Sri Swamiji and is planned in 4 phases

Total Cost of project is estimateD to be USD 37,680 or INR 2,630,086

Phase 1 (First floor costing about 11,000 USD or INR 767,500)

Phase 2 (Weathering roof work costing about 7,700 USD or INR 533,886)

Phase 3 (North side kitchen consturction work costing about 17,180 USD or INR 1,202,700

Phase 4 (Front and side parapet and compound Walls work costing about 1,800 USD or INR 126,000)

Phase 1 (First floor costing about 11,000 USD or INR 767,500)

Plastering work for 6 rooms and bath room area, wall repair and coloring work, Bath room taps and plumbing work, PVC doors, electrical work such as fan, heater, lights, room lighting and bath room tiles, Steps Flooring Tiles, coloring work, side passage work including flooring, grill work, painting and fitting and weathering work for roof for about 1500 sq.ft

Phase 2 (Weathering roof work costing about 7,700 USD or INR 533,886)

Water proofing old roof layer with chemical treatment, water leveling arrangement for new weathering terrace work on all sides, main roof Area work for proper rain water outlet arrangement, Madam Terrace area filling to water proof chemical work within terrace cracks, Rainwater harvesting work for a total roof area of 3007 sq.ft

Phase 3 (North side kitchen constRUction work costing about 17,180 USD or INR 1,202,700)

Demolishing the old kitchen, cleaning and constructing new kitchen for a total area of 882 sq.ft

Phase 4 (Front and side parapet and compound WALLs WORK costing about 1,800 USD or INR 126,000)

Brick and Plastering work for front and side parapet and compound walls

Sri Va:di Ke:sari Azhagiya Manavala Jeeyar Matam FLoor Plan