To enhance Vedic education and to propagate our culture among our community in the United States, JET USA established Jeeyar Asramam at 222 Dey Road, Cranbury NJ, with the blessings from HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji. We were fortunate to get the keys to this property on the first day of HH Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji’s Satabdhi celebrations. This is an indication that the Asramam is part of HH Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji’s legacy. The property consists of 31 acres of land. It has the beautiful setting of a hermitage. Jeeyar Asramam serves as the headquarters of JET USA Inc. As we develop further, the Asramam will become a focal point for all community activities both spiritual and humanitarian.


On Aug 21, 2008, the devotees participated in Gruhapravesam, Vaastu puja, Vaastu homam, eleven times Sri Vishnu Sahasra Namam chanting, and Bhagavad Githa parayanam. It was presided over by our priests Sriman Yugandharacharya Swamy and Sriman Surendracharya Swamy. Since then Asramam is celebrating various religious festivals.




With the divine blessings from our acharya we are planning to build a Spiritual and Humanitarian center with Sri Rama Mandir at Jeeyar Asramam. HH Sri Swamiji has named this site Sri Saketa Kshethram. ‘Saketa’ is abode of Lord Sri Rama it also means Vaikuntam. ‘Kshethram’ is the Holy Place, where Sri Acharya’s grace is abundant.

Cranbury township has granted approval to develop Sri Saketa Kshethram with Sri Rama Mandir. This is a historic dream come true. We have worked on this process for more than two years now. The township hearings went on for 8 months. The patience finally paid off and township approved the project.

The plan was to build a 34,000 sq. feet facility with Sri Sita Rama temple, Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji’s Sannnidhi, Sri Rama Sthupam and meditation center, Classrooms for Prajna (Vedic, moral education) and Yoga, Classrooms for classical music and dance, a multi-purpose hall for cultural and spiritual gatherings, a dining area, office rooms for JET USA and VT Seva

The building will be surrounded by natural environment. With the divine grace of HH Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji and with the Sathya Sankalpa of HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji, our goal is to complete the construction of Sri Saketha Kshethram by 2017 in time for the Sahasrabdhi celebration (1000th birthday) of Bhagavad Ramanujacharya. All this is possible only with the support of many devotees.


Lord Sri Rama is considered as personification of Dharma (Righteousness). Though he was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Sri Rama lived like a perfect human being as a model to all the people born on this earth. His life portrays how to discharge our duties with punctilious care, and meet our obligations with forthright earnestness. Sri Rama has demonstrated the great qualities as a son, brother, student, husband, friend, father and leader. He was loved by humans, animals, birds, nature and even demons. Sri Rama lived more than million years ago, but these qualities are relevant even today and for future generations.

Praying to Sri Rama parivaram and meditating on their great qualities and practicing them in the company and support of other Bhagavad Bandhus of Sri Saketham, will make us better human beings.

Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji’s Sannnidhi & Sri Rama Sthupam

In Early 1960s Ramayana was denigrated in Chennai (Madras). Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji went there with 300 scholars, dispelled the ignorance of the wrongdoers and enlightened them with the greatness of our scriptures. To clean the sins committed by them, He conducted processions chanting Sri Ramayanam in the same streets of Chennai that earlier witnessed the defamation.

In continuation, Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji conducted 108 Sri Rama Krathus all over India, each for 27 days, thus for 9 years continuously. He constructed Sri Rama Sthupas (Pillars) at each venue of Krathus, into which people who experienced the divinity and the noble massages of Sri Ramayana have deposited trillions of Sri Rama nama written by them with great devotion and dedication.

Continuing the legacy of Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji, Jeeyar Asramam will establish Sri Rama Sthupam at Sri Sa:ke:tha Kshe:thram. It will be the first of its kind outside India and Nepal. The Sthupam will house a meditation center and Sri Pedda Swamivari Sannidhi. History of Sri Rama (Sankshe:pa Ra:ma:yanam) will be inscribed on the Sthupam, and Patta:bhi Rama will be installed (prathishta) on the Sthupam. Meditation in the presence of this auspicious Sri Rama Sthupam will generate positive vibrations throughout, and it will benefit everyone.

Cultural and Spiritual gatherings

Sri Saketham will foster and encourage community activities like educational seminars, yoga sessions, religious festivals, group chanting etc. The facility will enable to conduct programs that are beneficial to the community at large. Classrooms for Prajna, Yoga, Classical Music and Dance

Sri Saketham will also have classrooms for teaching and practicing Yoga, Carnatic music and for learning Indian dance forms like Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam. These music and dance students perform during the festivals, as service to the Lord.

Please Visit Their Site At - http://www.jetnewjersey.org/