
your ejhs teachers & staff

The Younger Years

Teacher Slides for Mentor Page

messages from your teachers

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  • I love and miss you all! - Sarah Cox

  • We love you! We miss you! We cannot wait for us to get together again. Stay healthy. Stay strong. Be supportive. We are here for you! - Chris Hawboldt

  • Take care of yourself and your loved ones during this time by staying home where it is safe. We love you and miss you and hope you are taking this time to rest and relax. We will see you as soon as we can! - Jill Cooper

  • I miss seeing you! I pray for your health and safety. It makes me smile to think of our times in class together. Love you bunches! 💖🥰 - Vicky Sandford

  • Thank goodness y’all introduced me to tik tok prior to quarantine... :) Remember that this too, shall pass. Normal days will come again. Miss you all so much. - Chloe Stewart

  • Hello Students! I hope you are doing well during this crazy time. I know you probably have so many questions in regards to school and life in general. Just know this: we are doing everything we can to figure all of this out. We are in uncharted territory and most of us do not have the answers to many of your questions! But that is ok. We are all in this together! So my advice to you is this: control the controllables. Stay home! Go old school and call your friends and family. Call someone you haven’t talk to in a while. Discover a new hobby. Lastly, please please please use email, google classroom, or Remind to contact me or any teacher at East if you have any questions or if you just want to say “Hey!” We are all in this together! - Phil Prokes, Mr. Prokes, Coach Prokes, Dr. Phil, Mr. P, Mr. PP, Dr. PP

  • Hi guys!!! I miss you ALL and hope you're staying safe and well. Please know that this is an anxious time for all of us especially with remote learning around the corner. It's okay to be nervous - we all are - but there is going to be grace extended in all directions. It's okay to stumble - believe me, I've been stumbling my way through the last two weeks and have given myself permission to do so! Anyway - we LOVE you and I can't wait to see your sweet faces in the coming days - even if it is online! - Laura Kehrt

  • Miss you guys so much! ♥️ Much Love, Ms. Nolen

  • I don't have the words to say to let you know how very much I miss all of you! I miss your sweet faces as I would stand at the front doors greeting you on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings while you were coming into school so happily :). I miss your smiles, your laughs, your kindness, your questions, and even your complaining. I can't wait to see you again. In the meantime, stay safe. Stay healthy. Make good choices. Learn new ways to connect with others! I love each of you very much!! - Jennifer Rocco

  • You all are in my prayers. I think about you daily and miss you all terribly. Please be safe and take care if yourselves! Can't wait to see you via the internet. :) - Debbie Brothers

  • We love you & miss you more than you know! Can’t wait to see your sweet faces soon! - Ashley Gray

  • I miss you guys so much! I look forward to the days when I can see your beautiful faces again. I would much rather be at school with you everyday than stuck at home worrying about the world. You help me stay focused and YOU make me happy. Take care of yourself and stay safe. - Jennifer Happy

  • Knowledge is power. You have the opportunity to gain that knowledge, go where you want and to be who you want. Never settle for less and don’t be afraid to ask for help. - Lori Shepherd

  • I cannot even express how much I miss you all! I miss your hugs, your sass, your stories, your brilliance, your creativity, your passions, and your humor. Remember to take care of yourself and your classmates. Support each other even if it is through a phone rather than in person. I'm looking forward to after break when we get to learn to do school in a new way! - Ashley Onkst

  • My message is to my athletes; I am so proud of all of you!! Fall and winter sports you all had fantastic seasons and I was excited to be apart them, spring sports I am so sorry that we didn’t get to start and it breaks my heart that you didn’t get to play. This is a difficult time to be in but you all have done great and have taken this with stride, I am so proud of the class you all continue to have. To my seniors; I love each and everyone of you!! If you ever need anything in your lives just know that I am ALWAYS here for you!! I am not going anywhere, I am so proud to be a Jaguar and be apart of EJHS I cannot see myself being any other place!! Go Big E!! - Chelsea Switzer

  • At the beginning of my sophomore year of high school, I was not living through a pandemic, but I was living in the midst of the horrific 9/11 attack on the U.S. I had no clue what the future held for me, personally and for our nation--as many of you may be feeling now--but you wake up each and everyday with hope that keeps you going. At the end of the day, your mental and physical health is what matters. We are all in this together <3 - Kathryn Sclernitzauer

  • I know things seem so uncertain right now and it feels like it will never be back to "normal." I wish I could tell you how long it will be before we get to see each other again, but I am struggling with that uncertainty too. What I am certain about, however, is that we are all missing you so much and cannot wait to see your faces again. Until then, thank goodness for social media, email, texting, Google Hangouts, and Zoom! Trust me when I say hearing from you right now gives your teachers LIFE so stay connected! I love you so so much! - Michelle Purcell

  • I miss everyone. The daily grind of school will never be taken for granted again. Please listen to the guidance given by our governor and follow very closely the safety precautions that have been laid out. In my college health class I often refer to the perfect triangle of life - diet/exercise/rest. During this crisis we must strive to keep those three things in some sort of balance. The ups and downs of emotions are going to happen. Keeping that triangle in proper order will help you get through this tough time. We will get through this and we'll get through this together. If you need anything please reach out. Happier days are ahead. It always stops raining...always! - Coach Mike Bowlin

  • I can't fully express how much I miss your sweet faces! I want you to be safe and stay healthy, which is why I think it's important to follow our governor's advice, even when it feels so hard. Like many of you, I'm nervous and worried and sad at times, but it's going to be okay eventually. I have faith in that. Please reach out if you need anything, especially regarding the new ways of learning we're going to be trying out. There is enough stress out there right now, and this NTI work shouldn't compound that for you. Your teachers can help. We will come up with a solution. We're on your side. My favorite lady Dolly Parton says "If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain." The rainbow's coming, sweet kiddos. Count on it. - Erika Webb

  • I miss my students every second of every day. I cannot wait for us to be back in the classroom, learning and collaborating. Take care of yourselves, and please remember that your Jag Family is just an email away! - Lindsey Sovkoplas

Find Your Grind App

Having trusted adults in your life is important. Trusted adults are people you can turn to when you have a problem, when something bad is happening to you, or when you have embarrassing or difficult questions. Trusted adults may range from your parents to teachers to religious leaders. To find a trusted adult, make a list of adults in your life, decide which of these adults makes you feel safe and respected, and who you think will listen and help you out when you have a problem. How to Find A Trusted Adult to Talk to