

Will you accept the challenge?

Givel App


Random acts of kindness

*Choose one or two or fifteen or thirty acts! Just Be Kind!

  • Call or FaceTime your grandparents or another elderly person you know.

  • Thank a mentor.

  • Clean your room without being asked.

  • Call an old friend.

  • Let someone else pick what to watch on television.

  • Come out of your room and spend time with each other.

  • Join "Live" when your teacher asks you to.

  • Offer to take the garbage can down for a neighbor on trash day...then bring the can back up once the trash has been collected.

  • Text someone how important he/she is to you.

  • Write a kind or encouraging message on a note or napkin.

  • Leave change at the vending machine for the next person.

  • Do a sibling's chores without being asked.

  • Take your dog for a walk.

  • Make dinner for your family.

  • Say only kind words to everyone in your family for 24 hours.

  • Send your grandparents pictures of your family or pictures of fun times you've had with them.

  • Help tutor a struggling student.

  • Spread some encouragement online.

  • Give the adults in your house a hug just because...(I live in the same house)

  • Say thank you.

  • Plant a tree.

  • Smile.

  • Hide money in random places for others to find.

  • Celebrate your own best friend appreciation day.

  • Help your younger siblings with their NTI work.

  • Help a friend practice self-care by sharing what helps you in times of stress.

  • Sweep off a neighbor's porch.

  • Tell your parents or guardians that they are doing a great job.

  • Put the earth first by using a refillable bottle, conserving water, and recycling.

  • Introduce yourself to someone.

  • Put your phone down when you are talking to someone at home.

  • Play a game with your younger siblings or another child.

  • Make someone laugh.

  • Offer forgiveness to someone who you may not feel like deserves it.

  • Ask someone how they are and REALLY listen when they tell you. Ask more questions to show you are really interested.

  • Blow bubbles with someone (well...maybe after all this COVID stuff is over).

  • Pick up trash.

  • Order food for your friend, and have it delivered to his/her house.

  • Keep your promises.