JMS Technology

Remember: You're Awesome - Live Like It

Welcome to JMS Technology!

Classroom Rules

Classroom Expectations

  • Be Appropriate

  • Respect - your classmates, your teachers, your equipment, yourself!

  • Effort - Pride - Respect

REMINDER: Due to Covid Precautions this year, I am asking that students bring their own set of headphones to and from class. Please contact me for alternative arrangements - Thank you!

Computer Science...

Did you know this?!

5 Tips to Type Faster

Have a final to prepare for or tired of those papers taking you forever?!

Here are's 5 Tips to Type Faster:

  1. Start slow and work your way up

  2. Use all ten fingers

  3. Posture Matters

  4. Say the letters out loud as you go

  5. Practice, Practice, Practice!

For more information, check out the post and start practicing!

What do you do when your code doesn't work?

What do you do when your Project doesn't look just right ?

Check out the video to the left...

Ms. Baugh can be contacted via email, calling the number found on the school's website or through our class Remind system.

Don't forget ...

Never Forget ...

Our Attitude of Gratitude

Do you love to take pictures?

Do you love to be outdoors?

Enter the Arbor Day Student Photo Contest (Entry forms will open January 2023).

Available to Idaho students in grades 5th-12th.

You'll be asked to enter two digital photos expressing the year's theme.

Winners receive cash and other prizes and your photos are shared online and at Arbor Day events.

Check out the past winners.



Click the Idaho Forest Icon for more details.