Library Search

We have two apps for finding and reading books, ebooks, and digital audiobooks!  Download them today and log in with your Jericho Apps email address.  Check out your public library for more options!

Sora App

Use Sora to search for and read ebooks and digital audiobooks.

Destiny Discover

Use Destiny to find great books, ebooks, digital audiobooks and search for database articles all in one place!

Jericho Public Library

Use the JPL website to access your public library's collection.

Express Your-Shelf!

Can't find a book you LOVE?  Ms. Ognibene is always looking for new books to add to the collection.  Write on the "Express Your Shelf" Padlet to add books you would LOVE to see on your library's shelf.  You may enter as many books as you'd like.  Hit the "Like" button on your peer's posts!