
Science Topics

Science News

General Science Sites

  • How Stuff Works - Great site! Find out how engines, cell phones, and lots of other stuff works.
  • Ology- An introduction to many branches of science such as geology, astronomy, genetics, marine biology, and paleontology. Click on the Stuff to Do links to find activities. This site is by the American Museum of Natural History.
  • Biology4Kids - This site has information on plants, animals, cells, and microorganisms.
  • Geography4Kids - Information about the earth - the structure, atmosphere, biosphere, ecosystems and much more.
  • - Science information from the US government. This site may be helpful in writing reports.
  • The Franklin Institute - Visit Philadelphia's own science museum. Take a tour of their online exhibits.
  • The Academy of Natural Sciences - An excellent museum here in Philadelphia. Check out the kids section of the web site
  • The Exploratorium - San Francisco's Museum of Science has lots of neat activities.
  • An Introduction to the Microscope - How to buy a microscope and use it. Also some examples of the things that you will see with your microscope.
  • Facts about Chewing Gum - Lots of information about chewing gum including why bubble gum is pink and how to get gum out of your hair.

Science Fairs