Fins Up

Articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.


I want to learn about Whales and Dolphins and how to stop captivity. Whales are so smart so they should not be kept in captivity.


I want to learn more about orcas. I also want to help orcas and dolphins get out of captivity.


I hope to learn about Orcas because they are smart and intelligent. I want to know how they contact other orcas in the ocean.


One of my goals is to learn to use google sites. I want to learn how to do that so I can improve our Fins Up project.


I hope to learn more about whales and dolphins and how to help them.One way to help them is by recycling and not going to sea world.


I want to learn how to use Google Drive. I also want to learn about Google Sites. i also enjoy whales because whales are cool and i want their fins to be up.

Innovative Designers

Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design project that considers design constraints and calculated risks.

Using Digital tools helped us display our learning.

Using Digital tools helped us

manage our project.

We shared a Google Doc to record our information and plan our classroom presentations.

Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

Deadly for Sea Animals

Did you know nearly 50 billion water bottles are used each year. However, only 9 percent of those are recycled. We should recycle because over one hundred million marine animals die each year do to plastic.

This video is about whales and dolphins and how long they migrate each year. There are 33 different kinds of dolphins. Whales are large marine mammals. These were some facts about these marine mammals.

Educating Others

Presenting to classrooms within our school

Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.


Whale & Dolphin Conservation

Blue Freedom

~Staying connected~

What purpose & impact will the project have?


Orca Network

Our rpSTLP team educated teachers about AmazonSmile. We encouraged them to choose the Orca Network as their charitable selection. We use a Google form to measure the impact.

Our STLP contacted our Ky State Legislators in an effort to propose a bill to modify the use of plastic straws throughout the state. Similar laws have been put into place in other states.


Sharing a Common Goal

By doing this project, we have learned the importance of recycling to save Marine animals. The impact of our project is to help Marine animals through educating others and encouraging choices that will be better for our oceans.

Reducing Plastics

Providing Assistance To Ocean Animals

This video is about a sea lion hurt and trapped in a plastic net. This is why we should stop using plastic because marine mammals are getting hurt everyday.

This women was swimming with orcas. This is interesting because most people think orcas are aggressive in the wild. However, they are not but in captivity that in not the case.